
Will it be on GameCube?

When he starts jumping on a guy's head…

I hope Rose Leslie's in it because she's prtty but also yeah bring back Alice somehow.

Not the pronoun, but a rapist with the unlikely name of Who!

"Your honour, I have a defense so strong that it only needs six minutes!"
"He's clearly innocent!"

yeah she isn't hot anymore.

And the van itself is one of those transforming vans from the Transformers movies (uncredited.)

Yeah I wish the reviewer would just say "the black guard" or "the fat guard" or "the woman guard" so I know which guard he's talking about.

Should have been her last scene since she's had nothing good since.

She's had fuck all to do this season of Veep and would be better off out of it.


No way did Brendan read Kiss The Girls!


Wait what.

No, you're a dicknose.

Haven't watched since season one. Is Strand still alive? He was the only one I found semi-entertaining.

Because it wasn't.

He seems nice and is doing well in movies so good for him. Though the part where he calls Class "critically acclaimed" is a bit weird.

HEY. It can't possiby have been over a year.

What if we could cure dog cancer by killing a thousand people? Would you do it?