

How about…Ghost Mutt?

Oh. It's going to be these types of reviews again.

I'm not going through all the comments: could someone tell me why Kevin Eldon was playing a gold cloak when he was playing one of the actors in Arya's play last season? Is he supposed to be the same character? That's quite the career change.

Angry Suicide Squad fans or something.

Literally no one in the entire world wants that or has ever suggested they do.

How can you give the whole season a grade from only half the episodes?

So someone has to live it unconditionally or they're not a real fan?

What was the point of Mud getting so much screentime early in the season?

Nope, C is about right.

Does the movie have the same awful, unfunny ending as the tv version?

Could do with a slightly longer season or slightly longer episodes. There's enough characters who need attention to justify extra time.

When that cat ting ripped her clothes…

But Natalie's so pretty.

His Dad brought him to a gay steel mill once.

People who use bitcoin are evil confirmed.

Our rats are low.

Would that half of the fanbase happen to be on Reddit?

It's about time somebody stuck it to EDM culture!

Who'd want to hang out with talking animals when they could be banging their hot Hayley Atwell wife?