Hermann Boring

I have become a reluctant fan of Mohr but what I hate how much he insists he is/was not a jock and then spends almost every episode talking about baseball.

I have become a reluctant fan of Mohr but what I hate how much he insists he is/was not a jock and then spends almost every episode talking about baseball.

What Rogan does best is make it more of a community show and focusing mostly on his friends or people he is interested in talking to most of which are a bit outside of the usual podcast regulars. Redban though is the worst. The over focus on streaming is ridiculous and the sound quality probably the worst on any major

What Rogan does best is make it more of a community show and focusing mostly on his friends or people he is interested in talking to most of which are a bit outside of the usual podcast regulars. Redban though is the worst. The over focus on streaming is ridiculous and the sound quality probably the worst on any major

The episode about his sons and having to be away from them was one of the best he's done.

The episode about his sons and having to be away from them was one of the best he's done.

Time to start writing my Pete Holmes sucking Duncan's remaining ball fan fiction.

Time to start writing my Pete Holmes sucking Duncan's remaining ball fan fiction.

Loved the return of MATES

Loved the return of MATES

Andy being so bored he got philosophical was one of my favourite moments.

Andy being so bored he got philosophical was one of my favourite moments.

there is no money in it and the dude is increasingly super busy.

there is no money in it and the dude is increasingly super busy.

I think he kinda screwed himself. If he had kept it free he may have lost money in the short term but would have be a much bigger force in the game.

I think he kinda screwed himself. If he had kept it free he may have lost money in the short term but would have be a much bigger force in the game.

3 hosts just overwhelms the conversation.

3 hosts just overwhelms the conversation.

Agreed and obviously he is one of the best and funniest comedians around but the mmp is too much for me to handle.

Agreed and obviously he is one of the best and funniest comedians around but the mmp is too much for me to handle.