Hermann Boring

Usually in reviews you give reasoning or some explanation not just make decelerations.

I don't like it so it must be painfully unfunny. We can't have any variation in styles of comedy only those I deem socially appropriate.

I think you mean Bert. He is actually a really big hearted funny guy who seems to fall apart every time he is on DLM.

Despite the meanness to Jason they actually let him stay with them gave him a ton of food etc which is far more charity than your average sensitive alt comedian ever does.

l lDon't think the average podmas fan is in to him but goddam Joey Diaz was hilarious on the latest DLM. Really wasn't sure how he would fit the show but it was perfect.

Unlike her it is actually funny

Probably more discussions of their boyhood than u2.

she is not that smart.

dvdasa and duncan trusell family hour both recently went to 100 episodes without any fanfare here. Both excellent if you are more inclined to darker stuff.

I kinda like it but is no Mates.

At least one never properly made the front page.

Ferguson for monologue, Conan for the intbetween section, letterman for interviews (when he is engaged)

Rugby league is pretty simple and has some similarities to American football. Rugby union is more different and complicated.

The concept "person of color" is so much more racist than any of this shit. I know it is "correct" by the standards of some but goddam what dehumanising nonsense.

Good to see Duncan

I love Bert it feels very lonely here.

I agree diversity of friends does not not make one more of less racist. I am personally though very suspicious of anyone who is obsessed with race and racism who has almost exclusively white friends or people with their exact same world view. Or alternatively people who have a pokemon like attitude to race that to

Bert not being able to control his wonderful laughter is an amazing thing. Fuck everyone crying about it. A pete/bert show is what the world needs.

I feel like most of the people here must love strangling puppies. The anger at somebody genuinely having a good time. Bert's laugh and enthusiasm is so infectious and delightful.

I really recommend the latest yoshi didn't. Director of maniac cop talking about starting his career in porn and his uncle Jake Lamotta.