Hermann Boring

The more aggressive guys like Carolla, Burr, Fitzsimmons etc I can't handle as hosts but enjoy as guests.

The more aggressive guys like Carolla, Burr, Fitzsimmons etc I can't handle as hosts but enjoy as guests.

It was great, I'd love for Lou to do it as well.

It was great, I'd love for Lou to do it as well.

I just hope Maron doesn't manage to fuck up his current success. I don't give a fuck if people want to bang, abuse drugs or say crazy shit.

I just hope Maron doesn't manage to fuck up his current success. I don't give a fuck if people want to bang, abuse drugs or say crazy shit.

Yes we do.

Yes we do.

I kinda loved when Maron started talking about working the audience of the podcast. That is something Maron seemed to do a lot of in the early days of WTF. Its an interesting nexus of the two as comedy also lends itself to characters (that are often natural extensions of self) bending the truth for a bit etc. My

I kinda loved when Maron started talking about working the audience of the podcast. That is something Maron seemed to do a lot of in the early days of WTF. Its an interesting nexus of the two as comedy also lends itself to characters (that are often natural extensions of self) bending the truth for a bit etc. My

Eric Szyszka the MVP of WHM.

Eric Szyszka the MVP of WHM.

All of them! Any of the podmass regulars but also guys like Dan Carlin.

All of them! Any of the podmass regulars but also guys like Dan Carlin.

Goddam I am missing my MATES.

Goddam I am missing my MATES.

Agreed to an extent.

Agreed to an extent.

A small low budget show is hardly a cash cow. He rarely mentions donations especially relative to the sponsors (pretty much all of which I and many people can't participate in).

A small low budget show is hardly a cash cow. He rarely mentions donations especially relative to the sponsors (pretty much all of which I and many people can't participate in).