Sideshow Newt Gingrich

Have you tried Hola Unblocker?

Eh, that's what happens when there are only seven royal families anyway and half of them are rebelling.

Yeah, but I don't think the episode would have worked as well if he had had that conversation with the prize in a cereal box.

Same half-hour in real time but seen through the eyes of the main characters and 19 different background characters.

The Australian Rake is one of the few truly lawyer-funny shows of the past decade. I sincerely doubt that could translate, especially considering that it was aired on the ABC (think PBS, but with swearing and tits at 8:30).

Especially with that 'guess who i am oh yeah i lied' episode.

I don't know how much of that was just Tywin trying to humour Joffrey though. Remember, that creepy girl tried to off Danerys with that bug-thing in episode one.

I felt that too at first, but now its just boring. None of the scenes after the first one added anything new character- or plot-wise.

-2 Your amassed armies spark tension

Val Kilmer tells this story about filming Alexander with Angelina Jolie.

That may be true, but I ghost-wrote your comment

You forgot Malibu Clara (With New Hat)

Day you were conceived.

They didn't kill Pierce

It had some funny lines, which is all I ask for now

Is that a sex thing?

I'm hanging around for the sequel to be honest.

Wait, how do we know Carrie isn't Silas?

I watched the webcast from my bedroom on the complete opposite side of the world. Still worked.

This would have easily been one of my favourite quotes had they aired it.