Clearly I haven't been paying much attention, because YOUR LAST NAME IS BATTLEGROUND!? THAT"S AWESOME
Clearly I haven't been paying much attention, because YOUR LAST NAME IS BATTLEGROUND!? THAT"S AWESOME
Hey kid, you did good
What was it?
Because you're neither and living in a pit of existential despair because you've been unable to replicate past successes?
They lost all my goodwill when they cancelled MILF Island
The Lannisters are all over the place. Tyrion and Tywin could make one hell of a team but they're too busy hating each other to work together for the good of their family and Cersei is halfway between ineffective scheming mostly motivated by pure self-interest and having shithead sorry Joffrey ignoring her in his…
Sounds roughly like season 4 of The Wire.
Eh, you can't make it the Chinese anymore because they buy too many tickets. Gotta get your funny little foreign villains from somewhere.
I had to pause it after "Ask Brett" because I couldn't keep my eyes open from the laughing
I ran into a few of them in an airport departure lounge at 5 in the morning and they were up for a chat despite all involved being liable to fall asleep at any moment.
I ran into a few of them in an airport departure lounge at 5 in the morning and they were up for a chat despite all involved being liable to fall asleep at any moment.
They probably should have put that in the Previously On, because it only came to mind while I was reading the review. Who puts those things together?
Australian syndication also ruins my (probable) favourite line in the whole damn series: Abe's "You were a rotten wife, and I'll never, ever forgive you! (pause) Can we have sex? Please?" ends right after the 'forgive you', cutting out the joke altogether.
It goes into S&P credit rating-style grading.
Doesn't explain Jason Dohring though. Or Bell, for that matter: House of Lies is just the worst.
Probably that handful of ten-minute plus Beatles outtakes like Helter Skelter and Carnival of Light that haven't been released because one of them (or Yoko) didn't like them for some silly reason. Revolution Take 20 is absolutely brilliant.
I'd say System Shock 2 but it came out this morning.
i'm sure there was a decent amount of pitch correction on aim and ignite. but some nights. goes nuts with it and its off-putting.