I assumed Winston said 'Sherrin', which is funny but only if you live in the right country.
I assumed Winston said 'Sherrin', which is funny but only if you live in the right country.
Don Bradman is effectively impossible to compare to any other sportsman. His batting average is so far above what is considered 'great' for every other player before during or since (let alone good), its like a baseball player hitting at 0.500, or a basketballer scoring 50 points every game.
Don Bradman is effectively impossible to compare to any other sportsman. His batting average is so far above what is considered 'great' for every other player before during or since (let alone good), its like a baseball player hitting at 0.500, or a basketballer scoring 50 points every game.
Something I noticed that puts their turn-around time for episodes at about three seconds: during Obama's victory speech there was a woman in the front row behind him with a flag strapped to the back of her head. The same woman is in this episode.
Something I noticed that puts their turn-around time for episodes at about three seconds: during Obama's victory speech there was a woman in the front row behind him with a flag strapped to the back of her head. The same woman is in this episode.