Sideshow Newt Gingrich

A packed house would be on their feet applauding La Marseillaise before they realised they had got out of their seats.

From Veep

I used to work in my state's Parliament house, in the restaurant. This seems universal, especially re the spiders

He might inadvertently answer a question that wasn't really asked again.

I guess his general unlikability could work in Funny Games; I never bothered with the remake because I heard it was pretty much shot for shot, English for the sake of English.

It started a really bad habit for me: lots of videos had the audio out of synch, so I resorted to playing something like Minesweeper while watching so that it didn't annoy me too much.
Now I'm constantly fiddling with my phone, usually 2048 or sudoku, when I watch anything on my laptop.
Aside: I managed to fill the

Sorry, I meant to qualify that with something along the lines of 'that required debate'. Something about my face and egg.

Can somebody please confirm something for me, a foreigner: does this thing only need fifty one votes to pass because scrapping the ACA by itself would "save" billions but not be revenue neutral, so it needs to basically get rid of all the savings in the same bill? Is this a hard and fast rule or something that can be

As far as I can tell, this is just president Trump's version of businessman Trump's favoured tactic: isolating himself from any consequences so that when everything goes to shit (bankruptcy/criminal charges) the shit falls on everybody else and he's got the golden umbella. Hopefully he learns the difference between

It's funny because on the count Trump has passed zero legislation. He's signed orders, some of which haven't been struck down by the judiciary, but legislation? Haha no.
I say funny because I'm in a different hemisphere. Alternate reading: horrifyingly depressing (or vice versa)

I got most of the way through the high school years of this about five years ago, but stopped for a bit and then Megavideo got taken down and I lost my main source.
Anyway, it's an ok show but season 2 has put me in a position of never ever liking Michael Pitt in anything ever again because his character is just an

There are an awful lot of very interesting people who are very boring as soon as they need to read something aloud. Being able to remain interesting for an audience is a talent unto itself.


That's the other reason.

Gotta use the Absinthe to prime the glass, not just as another ingredient to stir together.
I'm not sure if it makes a difference, but it certainly lets me prattle on about authenticity.

I have, a few times. It's brilliant enough straight, but espresso martinis took over Melbourne last year and I have to assume that they were largely behind that.
Applewood, mentioned above, do a similar thing although I haven't yet had the pleasure.

As an Australian twenty-something quasi-alcoholic, I have had a lot of gin, and the best of it comes from my own backyard. Some of these guys are truly mad.
The maddest are a bunch called the Prohibition Gin Company, who make what they call Bathtub Gin, which clocks in at 69% abv, or 138 proof. I've only had it in very

I've only given it the one listen so far (and avoided the singles like spoilers a bit) , but the new Laura Marling album is exactly as good as I was hoping, and will be an easy slot in my favourite albums out this year.

Day-past shrimp.

If we sort of assume that the 'only really good people get the good place' statement is the truth (OH GOD I DON'T KNOW WHAT'S REAL ANY MORE) then it makes sense that non-acting Chidi ends up in the bad place because he wasn't good enough. Same with Tahini, who did everything selfishly but must've still accrued some