
jeez, wasn't Pollak the 2nd banana-buddy to Schwarzenegger in some bad devil-ish late 1990s movie?

theme song by Dawes.

please list the chord progressions next to each song…

more classic o'neal!: "…foppishly bohemian descendant of Cherokees & French Huguenots.”
Yess! o'neal is the new depp.

community grade A-
excellent fart, slight whiff of pretension

better to expect your temptations than to temper your expectations. or something something penetrate defenestrations…
you're right, Hotel World's good - so this will probably regress to the mean.

rimski in for korsakoff!

PS that baby looks like Gentle Herpes

will they be taking used babies?

it was special-er when you had to stay up after SNL to watch SCTV… rick moranis as michael mcdonald driving from studio to studio to sing backing vocals on everyone's hits in the late 70s…

"…crazy powder keg of often marijuana-and-cocaine-fueled creativity"
uh i think the creativity was brain-fueled, actually.

i give it an "ABC"

their performance art includes a free twee douche.

which chord do they use the most? E?

is that a form of sidewalk masturbation on the cover?
(he said, with a hopeful lilt to his voice).

what about the kid?
…& Malcom McClaren?

more like "storage whores"
amirite, bra?

& a great place to squeal like a girl.

dick soul patch

the prequel is "yesterdayland."