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    Also, Mrs. Kim haggling with Emily in the shop.

    Are we going to get into that thing now where we try to figure out where Stars Hollow is, based on how long it takes characters to drive there from different places?

    Yes, I think he was mainly making up excuses to not deal with Death.

    Not to mention that the vocals on the original are all Billy Joel multi-tracked, so it's the perfect song to sing with your clones/future/past selves.

    Now, Rowdy Roddy Piper vs. RoboCop.  That would be a match.

    "Kids, you remember all about Robots and Wrestlers…"

    I'm baffled that so many posters are interpreting it this way.

    It wasn't Future Ted, it was Hypothetical Ted. If he'd known, on the loneliest day of his life, that his future wife was living only a couple of blocks away, he'd have run to meet her then instead of waiting for the day when he actually met her.

    What else could it have been?

    For me, the biggest revelation in HEARTS is that Coppola was somehow able to edit a coherent performance out of Hopper's whacked-out rambling.

    I'd like to see OVERNIGHT make the list as well.

    Dunno about the rest of you but I think Emma Stone's voice is a BIG part of her appeal.

    If memory serves, "Gropos" aired right around the time of Gulf War I.


    I'm pretty sure that in Emily's mind she's not the hostess but simply helping out.

    I get the sense that Rory is who Paris could have been with a loving extended family.

    According to Miller in a recent interview, Ramis was brought on early to compile several NatLamp pieces into a screenplay but very little of his contribution made it to the screen. Apparently, Landis' main input was to make the movie on the whole less WASPy.

    I was hoping for a sidebar on Ramis' many superb appearances in small roles in otherwise forgettable films.

    I was hoping for S1's "Nightmares". Buffy's paranoid dream of her father rejecting her was so powerful it became series canon a couple of seasons later.

    It's a neat (and consistent) detail that they're one of the few major B5 races who never bother to master English.