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    Disagreed. The countdown indicated that something huge was going to happen, and the episode was a comment on how we never know what our life-changing events are going to be.

    New Girl Into Darkness

    You saw a completely different movie than everyone else.

    She could have gotten up there and just said, "Oh, Brad."

    The radiation story has since been convincingly debunked— apparently the rate of cancer among THE CONQUEROR's cast and crew wasn't significantly higher than that of the population at large. But it's one of those rumors too juicy to die.

    It gets bogged down in the running gun battle at the end but yeah, it's totally worth a look.

    As I noted above, Gabe is one of the show's strongest threats to Christy relapsing. Will a workplace harassment storyline emerge?

    I love that Faris still had a look of dawning realization on her face as she delivered the pie. Like she was having an out-of-body experience. Nice take.

    Brokeback Mountain isn't exactly slumming.

    From a business standpoint, I get you. And certainly, there are shows I've passed on because the premise seemed unsustainable in the long term, and shows that did (and do) fail because the runners ran out of things to say. But I don't think we should judge 'Mom' so early.

    Let me get this straight, Myles— your problem with this show is that it isn't formulaic enough? What's so indispensable about B-stories? What I'm really liking about this show is its willingness to devote the whole half-hour to specific recovery challenges.

    I was surprised that the episode didn't connect Cnristy's money troubles with her desire to befriend an apparently wealthy stranger.

    Did you blink? Violet did appear in this episode, delivering a nice deadpan take on seeing her mom in bed with two other women.

    Note also the extra pair of arms on the "Kali" statue featured throughout the film. Somebody on the production was really dedicated to that concept.

    Don't forget The King of Town's "Not Talkin' 'Bout Butter" (Cheat remix).

    I have the CD, the PVC figurines (including the Cheat Commandos) all the DVDs, a still-screaming plush The Cheat, and 10 shirts including the Trogdor polo.


    Seriously, the most amazing stupid callback-dependent joke I've ever laughed my ass off… at.

    I wasn't interested in this show before, but I tuned in for Tom Noonan. So I guess I'm done now.

    I thought she was doing more of a Katharine Hepburn impression than anything else, and that it was an odd choice since Hepburn didn't play that type of role much.