
Let's throw in Killer Croc for good measure.

HE could be Robin. Or Harley Quinn… Or Hush.

Obviously, you don't know how sitcoms are made…

I had an identical reaction to Brothers Solomon; after watching it by myself, I hyped it up to my fiancee and brother. When I started to watch it with them we all ended up falling asleep…

I saw him open…
for the Drive-by Truckers in 2006. My ears were ringing for days.

"Just give me the bird!"
"That's the one that looks least like a bee."

RIP Terriers and Party Down… Long live the too long delayed Parks & Rec.

I always sort of think of Tarotplane as a continuation of the blues tradition that also makes fun of the "white blues" trend that was really getting popular around the time. And I agree the extended release really makes it even more essential.

I had no idea it started on UPN. When I think of great comedy, I don't often think UPN…

Mirror Man will always be one of my favorites. To indulge in the use of a cliche, Beefheart was a true original.

I would gladly watch Home Movies in the morning. I will always stand by my claim that it's the best show to have come out of Adult Swim. I wish Metalocalyse was even half as good.

"Donal Logue to play Coach McGuirk in the live action Home Movies film."

I can't believe
Dexter is going into its its sixth season.
You know what show shouldn't last six seasons? Dexter.

Definitely Rock Bottom all the way; I was also excited to find a copy of The End of an Ear, but it's a totally different experience than RB or Ruth is Stranger Than Richard.
I like up through Nothing Can Stop us, which is pretty political in its own way, but I haven't heard any after that. Any recommendations from

Robert Wyatt
I had a few Soft Machine albums, but hadn't heard his solo albums, which I think are better than SM, until I read about the reissues that just came out.

Black face… Really?
This episode had its moments (mostly the lines covered in the Stray Observations above) but I don't know why they had to put Jenna in black face for a joke that wasn't even funny, and didn't even try to address how offensive it can be. In the firt or second season, I think they would have used the

Richard Thompson
I saw him a few years ago in Boston; it didn't even matter what era the songs he played were from, because he played them all so incredibly, stretching out the instrumental sections and generally sounding amazing. Ironically, it sort of made me less impressed with many of the studio versions than I

We've just stumbled on to the conspiracy of the decade… I would double check to make sure you're not being followed by an electric car.

I'm in my fifth year on the track toward a Phd in assholedom; I'm currently TAing the undergraduate Intro to Sarcasm (aka Asshole 101).

It will maintain the same high quality that Lassie was able to throughout its run.