
Gotham City Planners
are all on Falcone's payroll, hence the shoddy construction.

Yeah, who is gonna hear that shit, dogs?

Isn't that
basically just the plot of Terriers?

I won't believe it's him until I see a corpse.

They were great
On SNL last weekend.

I have to say, even though I haven't read anything by him, or much fantasy, the HBO series Game of Thrones looks interesting.

I heard that rumor, but I'd say it's unlikely because there is no way they could make Devon Banks a good enough guy at this point to take on the role he'd need to.

No joke. One of my favorite authors, but most of his books have a LOT of setup for the first quarter or so. To get going in his best book, Lost Illusions, you have to deal with a fairly detailed description of the paper industry, and the publishing industry. But it's totally worth it in the long run.

He was a stay at home dad
On 30 Rock too. Or should I say… a gay at home dad!

For the record, I was only joking about the spoiler. Knowing that kind of thing doesn't really ruin shows for me, and in this case it was a pretty minor and pertinent thing to mention.

Thank you, Jared B.
At least they didn't say how he goes. I half expected him to die when he went to Mississippi with his girlfriend.

Glenn is creepy, but Betty's treatment of him is probably creepier.
And I'm just starting season three now, but so far I have to say I can't imagine Betty getting more annoying, mostly the fault of the writers uncertainty about what to do with her, or inability to articulate their desires for her beyond "she's

Thanks for revealing that Kinsey leaves…
hopefully he'll get that Orson Wells bio-pic he was born to star in.

I hear
that Joseph Gordon-Levitt is playing the Scranton Strangler.

That is a damn fine response
to a question he shouldn't have to answer.

Oh wait, maybe Gano was on Sabrina. Let a less lazy internet user confirm.

It just occured to me that Gordon Gano of the Violent Femmes is in Clarissa Explains it all AND Pete and Pete.
I agree Pete and Pete has held up well. It has a surrealist edge that makes the 90s look like how I remember them anyway.

I think David Wain is the superior Michael.

That's not to say the game itself owes me money though.

I think…
that I actually won money off of this game, through pure dumb luck.