
And now…
back to reading Aemilia Lanyer…

I just watched the Comeback
I thought it was a solid, funny show. Although Paulie G was just plain frustrating; I thought it held its own as far as Curb Your Enthusiasm riffs go…
Although my knee jerk reaction is to disavow it after finding out that guy worked on Sex and the City also.

Hey now,
There's no reason to be cynical. In fact, I say good luck! Break a leg!

Not to be mistaken with the Rock and Roll hall of fame, when cuts of the most aged beef in the world are flown thousands of miles for the express purpose of walking on it. Or something.

If you want to Dress up as Kanye West
Why not do it the old fashioned way: shoe polish.

I hate Dazed and Confused
But then, I've always been a proactive hater.

In response to The Ref, the chicken finger episode sucked in my opinion, but there are other episodes that are good. And yes, Scrubs is worthy of infinite hate.

Ahh yes,
the old reach around.

Well Done
This was a great piece; it's exactly the kind of article the AV Club exists for.

It's just Joey Ramone, isn't it?

The nature of the internet…
I just watched the video for California Gurls (which is a statement I'm surprised to hear myself say), and I just want to say Snoop Dogg is old enough that it's almost creepy ot see him in the same video with a naked Katy Perry, who looks like a child.

How exactly is this newsworthy?

The Kinks
Mr. Reporter.

That's the miracle of working a job that's terrified at the mere mention of the word overtime: six and a half hour work days…

I almost cried
Coming home after a hard day's work, and this being the first thing I see? At least Adam Scott might stick around on another funny show (P&R), but what about Ken Marino?! He deserves better…
And, yes, I'll say that I thought PD was one of the best shows on the air. hopefully Louie (which I haven't seen

That live version they posted really kicked some ass, and the bass line is tight, even though Tina looks lost and confused throughout the video…

Mother is the only decent song the Police ever recorded.

I agree Stag is a great album, bungle 77. I started with the trilogy, especially the Maggot and the Bootlicker, since the Crybaby is, not surprisingly, somewhat atypical for them. I think Stoner Witch is a more conventionally hard rock album than many others (of course I mean relatively), and not particularly

Great live band
Although I haven't really heard any of their studio albums since Hostile Ambient Takeover, they were a great fucking live band when I saw them, jeez, almost ten years ago.
Are Big Business still working with them on this album? I always like the idea of a two drum band, but it's usually less exciting

I like metal machine music, and I'm insufferable. Maybe it was me!