
If I bought albums more…
Of the few 2009 albums I have purchased thus far, I have enjoyed a high percentage of them: Raekwon, Mos Def, Yo La Tengo, and the Flaming Lips are all pretty great, as albums and not just collections of songs.

I have that Otis/ Hendrix record, and it does rock all colors and varieties of socks.

I know we're not talking all time,
But I just have to mention that almost every nick cave album before 2000 has an awful cover, and they're all good(ish). Whereas the post 2000 albums have better covers, but aren't as good. Go figure.

The Room
Does anyone else remember Tommy Wiseau being on Tim and Eric? I didn't believe he was real; I'm still not sure I do…

The right direction
While this episode was far from perfect (see the criticism of the Al Gore scene others have mentioned already), it did have some really funny parts, and generally felt more like the "classic" 30 Rock we all came to know and love in such a short amount of time. Both the plots and the jokes felt more

Music to work (write) to
When I'm writing (either papers or working on my novel) I need instrumental music if I have music at all: Tortoise's "Millions Now Living Will Never Die" is my default starting point, followed by most other Tortoise albums, then neu!, Brian Eno, Cluster, et cetera.
When I'm at my part time job

Third/Sister Lovers, by Big Star (assuming you don't count various live releases).
Ice Cream for Crow- Captain Beefheart
Spiderland- Slint (not counting a two song EP…)

Accounting for Personal Taste
I prefer this list to the proper best album list, because it is less concerned with quantifying the importance of a record, and more interested in enjoyment. Also, it's given me at least a dozen albums I want to check out now, which I can't actually say for the main list.

Mostly predictable,
but great list nonetheless. The Dave Attell line about Girls Gone Wild is one of the funniest things I've read recently.

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
Is a HUGE omission; it's both consistently hilarious and has managed to stay on the air (as opposed to so many other truly good comedies). Plus, I thought the AV Club loved Sunny…

A series of good hip-hop announcements
I see where my meager earnings will be going on a fairly regular basis in the coming months…

technically, there is a second season of SDSU, even if it's hidden somewhere in Fox's schedule (although it might be over by now, I don't know).

Although Ubik isn't the best written of his books; it's pretty pulpy, but that's part of its charm.

Of the Philip K. Dick books I've read recently, Valis is my favorite, though I agree it's not the place to start… One has to be flexible to Dick's theological musings, and his plot is sometimes merely an excuse to further his philosophy. I never get the feeling that Dick is trying to convince his readers to

A long time ago I bought Eureka based on how much I loved "Ghost Ship in A Storm", and was really disappointed with most of the album. It really took hearing Gastr Del Sol for me to get into Jim O'Rourke, and the Gastr is still my favorite.

I agree with Jagoff, here; AC/DC seem like they're all about writing reductive blues songs, too distilled to have a narrative. But then again, when all their songs are about well-endowed girls, rock itself, or various thunder noises, maybe their whole career is one long concept album…

I'm looking forward to Townes Van Zandt and Waylon Jennings; is there any logical order to the entries, or is it just where Nathan's ear takes him?

That episode was symptomatic of season 3's "let's put celebrity guests into every episode" experiment, and I agree it didn't work out very well; at least the Oprah episode had a funny twist…

Concept album from space?
Maybe Chris Brown is schizophrenic and the cartoon monsters represent his violent side; hopefully this album will do something like Quasimoto/ Madlib, and Chris Brown will sing half the album in a sped-up cartoon voice.

Yeah, I just heard the song with Lil' Wayne, and extrapolated; I don't like Weezer, but I get the impression that their sound has changed in such a way that their power-pop loving fans will have trouble with this album.
And isn't judging things I haven't seen/read/listened to what the internet is for? No? Oh…