
Yeah, I agree with Test Tube, here; they needed to trick the SNL crowd into watching somehow. And, anyway, it seems like the show's just had a series of "break out stars", including Chris, Aziz, Ron, and it's always good to see more of Louis CK.
Although Leslie does seem MIchael Scott-esque, I think this time Greg

Death by Weezer
Between the suffocation threat of the blanket and the unlistenable album that comes with it, I'd say Snuggies KILL.

Chris Pratt
is just one of the many actors in Parks & Recreation who overshadows Amy Poehler; in fact, just about everyone on the show is funnier than her. I like the ongoing joke about scapegoating the ever more pathetic Jerry.

Speaking of Degrading (without moving your lips)
What kind of contractual obligation or misguided good faith made Tina Fey put this guy on 30 Rock, even as a caricature of himself?