Spenser Davis

As someone whose father forced him into marrying a doctor, I really appreciated the Maybelle subplot. Finally someone is telling MY story.

I love that articles like this exist.

I love that articles like this exist.



Close. "Fifty One" was the show's fiftieth episode.

Close. "Fifty One" was the show's fiftieth episode.

While this is the first Season 5 episode I didn't love — aside from that fantastic Walt-Skyler argument — one thing is certain: Lydia is going to be continuous trouble for the Blue Meth Group (copyright 2012 Spenser Davis). 

While this is the first Season 5 episode I didn't love — aside from that fantastic Walt-Skyler argument — one thing is certain: Lydia is going to be continuous trouble for the Blue Meth Group (copyright 2012 Spenser Davis). 

Ryan's comment about the Holdfast scenes killing the momentum of the battle is exactly my issue with the episode, and the thing that so many people in the Experts discussion section are disagreeing with me on. I just felt like, as well-acted as they were, they were disconnected, rather than happening a few hundred

Ryan's comment about the Holdfast scenes killing the momentum of the battle is exactly my issue with the episode, and the thing that so many people in the Experts discussion section are disagreeing with me on. I just felt like, as well-acted as they were, they were disconnected, rather than happening a few hundred

Liked the scenes, but they put the brakes on the momentum for me.

Liked the scenes, but they put the brakes on the momentum for me.

I am assuming. Unashamedly.

I am assuming. Unashamedly.

"Nah" to the devil's advocate bit, or "nah" that this wasn't a well-directed episode. Don't say both, pal, 'cause that would make absolutely no sense.

"Nah" to the devil's advocate bit, or "nah" that this wasn't a well-directed episode. Don't say both, pal, 'cause that would make absolutely no sense.

Brandon, you give "The Killing" far more thoughtful reviews than it deserves.

Brandon, you give "The Killing" far more thoughtful reviews than it deserves.

Devil's advocate: I'd say that the scenes between Cersei and Sansa actually hurt the episode, by killing the momentum building during the battle. I'm sure a straight-forward battle would've been very difficult to achieve, but cutting to the Red Keep throughout the hour could be seen as much a hindrance as it was an