Spenser Davis

Devil's advocate: I'd say that the scenes between Cersei and Sansa actually hurt the episode, by killing the momentum building during the battle. I'm sure a straight-forward battle would've been very difficult to achieve, but cutting to the Red Keep throughout the hour could be seen as much a hindrance as it was an

You are correct. When I pitched my idea, I meant that "I would have ENTERED the season with this as the end." In other words, that meeting in Episode 2 wouldn't have happened in Wife World. Just my own approach to writing the season.

You are correct. When I pitched my idea, I meant that "I would have ENTERED the season with this as the end." In other words, that meeting in Episode 2 wouldn't have happened in Wife World. Just my own approach to writing the season.

Not that it matters, but how I would've ended the series: the conspiracy exists in the Rex World, but not in the Hannah World; Michael subconsciously used the conspiracy to evade responsibility for the accident, but upon realizing the Rex World is a dream, he accepts responsibility in the Hannah World, like in "Say

Not that it matters, but how I would've ended the series: the conspiracy exists in the Rex World, but not in the Hannah World; Michael subconsciously used the conspiracy to evade responsibility for the accident, but upon realizing the Rex World is a dream, he accepts responsibility in the Hannah World, like in "Say

So, for all the bird references we've gotten in this show and that some of you have brought up ("Bird" Freeman, Detective Hawkins, Not my Penguin), I just found another.

So, for all the bird references we've gotten in this show and that some of you have brought up ("Bird" Freeman, Detective Hawkins, Not my Penguin), I just found another.

In the books, I understood (for some reason) why Arya never told Jaqen the names of The Mountain, or Joffrey, or Tywin. But I don't think the TV audience is going to be nearly as understanding. I'm very curious - especially after killing off The Tickler so early - how the writers will go about having Arya choose two

Though I've read the books, I'll avoid spoilers and say that the Tickler dying at the end of the episode makes me think that this second season will take various other liberties with regards to Arya's activities in Harrenhal. If that is true, us book-fans will end up as surprised as the rest of you folks.

Why does this show have an episode-is-a-day structure? It seems like it is barely able to hold on to it. And when you realize that the police are still doing minor background checks 18 days into the case … Seattle law enforcement must love this show.

Linden is the one with the eye transplant?! That sure sounds like a trait that Rosie's killer would possess.

And "The Killing" is not a crossover hit.

Stan's not the biological father = has no lasting impact on the case

Hahaha. I'm going to refer to the shadow baby from now on as "The Black Queef."

So, Donahue is basically saying, "Why are you only picking on US?!"

Baelish: "Eat my sash!"
Renly: "What did you say?"
Baelish: "You heard me. I said eat-my-sash!"

Spoilers suck ass. It is known.

Oh yeah! Dammit. I really liked that peach bit in the book. Guess they got rid of it. Dammit…

Seriously. The Red Priestess might want to get that looked at.

I saw the second episode of "Girls" before this episode, and in it, one of the character asks - "What happens to the stuff that comes up around the sides of condoms?"