
When I read the book I pictured Jeff Daniels as he appeared in Looper. Bearded and disheveled.

Absolutely! That scene is fantastic.

It's utterly fascinating to me how, with McCauley's stated ethos of having nothing you can't walk out on, his pursuit of Waingro is his downfall. You get the payoff when he walks away from Edie, but he never would've been there in the first place if he could've let Waingro go.

I feel like they will need to diversify the cast a bit. Explaining why 99% of the survivors are white could be problematic.


America: He can still remember just the way she tastes.

Ted Jr. already knows the answer to that question. He goaded Daniel on the issue of why he didn't fight back during the prison rape(s). So Daniel showed him how it happens.

I think you're the one watching a different show…


Read through this entire massive comment section to see if someone would mention Vernon Reid. That "Cult of Personality" solo is amazing.

"Fausto gets use of her tunnel"

@Slobitach:disqus Pride going before a fall is one of the major themes of the whole show. Walt isn't the only who fell into this trap.

Tori, Jade, Cat, and the rest of the gang are really going to be surprised at what Mr. Sikowitz is up to now…

I think she used to be married to Skelos?

Looked to me like he was completely nailing the "Charlotte Millwright" character.

I think Gilligan asked him what he wanted to see out of the final episodes, and he said something that hadn't occurred to the writers, and it was so good they added it in.

Indeed. Thanks to you and others for bringing this up. I mean, these are two of the biggest points of the pilot's plot, handcuffing Brendan to the steering wheel, and Joe selling (or lying to) Frank on killing Brendan because Brendan killed Joe's girlfriend. Plus, Frank's suspicious comment about not being able to

For me, I will always see James Gandolfini as Pete…sigh.


That would do wonders for the ol' political career.