
The Shield and Breaking Bad are definitely propulsive (and more conventionally "entertaining") in ways that the other "great dramas" (especially The Wire) simply are not.


"I wonder if there's a way to make our smarmy douchebag lawyer show even more unbearable. Does anyone know if Heather Locklear's available?"

"Maybe they're stealing hubcaps!"

Cooked and et. Cooked and et.

Was it the same cat?

Yeah. When I first heard about this, I rolled my eyes, thinking what a dumb idea it was, that we already had more of this story and these characters than we ever needed. But it has been incredible so far.

Never mid-sentence or even mid-action really, but the breaks (both for commercials and between episodes) are definitely weirdly placed. I don't think it really hurts anything, but it's different enough from how it's normally done that you do notice.

"They missed an opportunity to…" is pretty much everything ever about this show.

Now you know how Jesse felt.

I just don't know about this. I love Schur, Braugher, and Peretti, and Crews seems fine. But Andy Samberg?

Harborcoat and 7 Chinese Bros. are a terrific 1-2 punch.

Zach Braff, Dallas Roberts, and now Matthew Rhys all remind me of John Ritter.

"Classic Poe"

Pete Bondurant = James Gandolfini
Kemper Boyd = Val Kilmer
Ward Littell = Kyle Chandler

Could be wrong, but I believe Sepinwall is on record as not being a fan of JMS's work at all.

If he died at this point, he died happy (at least in that moment).

If he died at this point, he died happy (at least in that moment).

This show was never a fit for ABC, and I think the 3/4s of the show that don't work are the parts that were shoehorned in to try to make it fit on ABC.

This show was never a fit for ABC, and I think the 3/4s of the show that don't work are the parts that were shoehorned in to try to make it fit on ABC.