Thee Squid King

30 Rock is smug comedy where every piece of dialogue comes across as a prepared barb. Parks and Recreation does not do this. Also, Tina Fey is not on it. I'm exaggerating a little bit because it's the internet, but I guess you come here to post your opinions. Poehler rules.

Ms. Willmore is a fresh tomato in a sea of green.

Gooey Gus in The Ghost Writer. This episode scared the shit out of me for years after.

My mom works as a Washington State librarian and in her annual safety-awareness training she is taught to understand Juggalos as a destructive and dangerous gang to be wary of. Any librarian could finger a Juggalo in the crowd.

Also, it did not help that I watched Don't Look Now late night on my laptop a couple feet from my face on headphones. Did not think it would be scary. It was scary.

Don't Look Now and Mulholland Drive have similarly terrifying moments where you have to stare at this face and know before it comes that you will have to stare at it. In Mulholland I can't even remember if there's sound, I just feel like it goes totally silent. The horror of it shocks the senses; it is a horrible

He showed me the life of the mind. I'm a new man.

How the hell would Huell sneak Brock ricin without any suspicion? He could have prevented need for pat-down ricin theft by just sitting on the kid. zing zing zing

Does anybody think that Mike is still alive, came back, was directed by Gus to poison Brock with ricin? Though he has a granddaughter, he is a businessman. There is a big Mike-sized hole since Salud and I would have expected more closure had he truly died. I sort of doubt it, but I'm entertaining the options as there

Agreed and agreed. That quote is the piece that pins Gus.

two great things
The Pale King - DavidFosterWallace
Baroque Primitiva - Alvarius B

Georgetown Liquors is also great. That is all I know.

Or visit the giant portrait pasted in the entrance of Aberdeen's main street McDonalds.

Being angry gets tiring.

It is. Werner fucks the fluteman in four different ways.

i should have edited that before i posted it.

I'm not Scott Tobias, but I'll answer for him. It adds a ton. By adding dimension and depth to the field of the cave, we can better understand the sense of movement that the cave painters made use of on the contours of the cave walls. That's the biggest gain, feeling the physical space of the cave. There a couple

If you've seen The White Diamond or Great Blue Yonder and enjoyed the scores from those, then you will probably like Cave of Forgotten Dreams. Similar atonal and building cello with rising choir. Same awesome cellist. I think the dirgiest thing was the organ, which kind of sounds like a score to 70s monastery doc, but

(while showcasing some shitty absolutism my self. 'change is human and inevitable.' ahhhh bollocks.)

Change is human and inevitable. I'd rather read criticism that honestly reflects this than not. So thanks, Rabin, for being a real person. An absolutist and set critic is someone I do not want to be reading.