Thee Squid King

I'm right there with you, cheesecottage. Well, everybody be babies. I'm not up on hating everyone. Diapers for all, though, yes.

Babies ain't shit.

The reader rating
suggests that readers are paying money to see this.

Laurie's Planet of Sound in Chicago used to carry loads of those Pee-Wee packs. The best place to go for outdated trading cards. Yo! MTV Raps, Garbage Pail (pretty sure) and more.

AA, it's kind of a ways up there, but maybe you should re-read it. There's some good parts! Why are you angry? Here it is again:

Saw him about a year ago. He's got them skinny wrinkles nowadays. Just looks like he's taken a nap in the microwave and goateed it. Same old baby-face, otherwise.

Let's talk about Olympia. It is the pits.

They can have additional content online, like: See online for additional content.

Hey, abstract musings write themselves.

It's due time for Arli$$' better late than never. I'm curious but don't want to invest any actual time viewing; just want to have enough of an opinion to feel justified in being snarky about it.

Sheik yerbouti & accessorize it.

sad sad sad
Man, this sucks. She was too good. Duet with Beefheart up in them stars, TK. Or rest in peace. Or both. Man.

You can make money doing this stuff?? Somebody's been watching their Tony Robbins tapes


Too bad Barry never got his PhD.

Untouchables is punishing. I still have that one. Nostalgia does not redeem it's 8-bit garbage reek.

Oof…I've definitely played Recall. Just watched a youtube clip of T2. Punch punch punch punch punch run jump punch punch punch.

Terminator 2 for NES
My favorite from the young years. Not afraid, just unwilling to track down a copy and find out I needn't have bothered.

Melvin Goes to Dinner was pretty good.

Miller, from what I've read, it looks like the book will be fully edited. It was originally reported that there were 1000+ draft pages laying around, but the final copy's going to be 496.