
Dang, I thought I heard Chris mention Bert Lahr, and the nose makeup sure seemed similar. But you're making a lot of sense here.

Where have you gone, Amelie Gillette? The AV Club turns its lonely eyes to you…

I'm with you that Leslie was not a great politician but man, I looooooove when the characters get shitfaced, which hasn't happened in forever. Getting blasted with people from work is a pretty common occurrence (for me at least), as well as drinking when you're down. I think it's great.

The name means it's Tom's idea, the stuff is just stuff. The stuff that makes the idea a viable business, true, but Rent-a-Swag is what shows Tom did this, not Henry Fucking Winkler. Selling it leaves him without that final proof of accomplishment.

I don't know how the Writer's Guild works but whoever came up with Wyatt Ben Can't Jump needs a raise.

Love the concept and portrayal of Jamm, frequently dislike how he's been used. But he was on all cylinders tonight.

Yup, that was a great thing for the show to address (this is why I get critical of its politics and mechanics, because I think they do do a good job too). And the filibuster was also a nod to Wendy Davis.

Was "Meathead" the "Jabroni" of the 70s?

I dunno, Leslie is a great civil service but a not very good politician. Her enthusiasm doesn't justify her missteps. I think recall elections are the worst, a pathetic indulgence of the electorate's most childish tendencies, but I don't think her being voted out at the end of her term would've been bad.

Feh! Tweep has missed dozens of stories and was banging/dating the City Manager, she's a terrible reporter.

@eric827:disqus I wouldn't go that far but I think you're generally right — earlier seasons were full of weirdos with their own agendas and frequently those agendas conflicted with Leslie's. More recently it's been weirdos with an anti-Leslie agenda, although that makes sense for an elected official. I did prefer the

Yeah, I don't think they've been together as a duo before. And now it needs to happen every week.

Said up above, Chris vs. Mirror was my biggest laugh of the evening. So good. Especially because it adheres to Krusty's Lord Autumnbottom rule of comedy — it's funny when the mark has dignity. Obviously Andy would've destroyed the mirror maze and that would have been funny, but for Chris to bonk himself — in a

Unless you're fastandsloppy.

Drunk Ben made a serious run at Drunk Ann for best Parks and Rec drunk tonight.

@eric827:disqus yes, Tom turned on the charm and it worked extremely well. Maybe it was the backwards pants?

You forgot "complex!" Go back to Highlights, chump!

Heh, I went on above about how I think the book is ultimately more openhearted than the movie (the major buffing comes with the lesbian sister, from what I remember). Election is nasty and ugly, which works very well.

Your hyperbole has failed, because "the Klan burns down his trumpet" is too hilarious a visual to not film.

Heh, this was actually a viable issue for Davis.