
Great, not only did you assholes redesign the site but now Leno is here.

Bang on.

That bed shaped like a racecar is pretty sweet, though.

Hey! Amesbury exists, it's right there between Merrimac and Salisbury. The former carriage capital of New England!

Mesozoic is an overlooked era with a lot to offer…

There it is! How do you link to SNL but not this, which makes me laugh out loud every time. "I am afraid of scary bats."

Oh yeah, I'm just asking rhetorically here. Basically, I'm with the people above who want to see more jabronis.

Ha ha, I mean come ON Agassiz! What a maroon.

Ah, I gotcha. The concession speech timeline is exceedingly weird — we go from Leslie gets results* to Leslie goes home depressed to Leslie comes to work depressed to Leslie gets drunk to Leslie gets up the next day and gives a concession speech. The concession comes after the results, as should the call to the victor

"Money" being the operative word there — it's people who, because they couldn't buy the result they wanted the first time, have enough money to spend until they get what they want. Fuck that.

Both Jamm and Newport are believable characters to me, Jamm especially. It's how they've been used and misused that I don't like.

I know that guy! And as big of a nut he is, I sort of love that guy, because he's coming out every month, goddammit. Government is not a spectator sport.

Better than cute — her "Hey, fartwads" during her apathetic phase seemed a nod to Kaitlin Olson on Always Sunny.

"gives him the opportunity to “discover new books,” “share insights,” and
“instruct the kids on the best way to cover third during a rotation
play.” Okay, so we made that last one up. "

Because Vago kidnapped Sigourney Weaver's baby?


@avclub-2d31cb28609a0ccb044e798fe73c023a:disqus so Teti is Bud White to Sean's Ed Exley?

Wow, can't get behind that at all. Leslie gets shitfaced on her own time, not on the job, there's nothing wrong with that.

Oh, I see! Then I guess all the episodes will be wrapped up in a neat thematic package!

It cannot be said enough: Parks Town Hall meetings are in no way exaggerations.