
I wish I had my copy on me, I'd type out the entirety of his extremely uncomfortable visit to the Reagan White House.

Good lord, mocked by improv artists? Surely this marks a death blow for this nascent medium popular with young people.

What do you mean, "moment of silence?" Videocracy is at that farm upstate, playing around with Justify Your Existence and Book Vs. Film.

"Are you writing transcriptions of a modal fucking improvisation?"

Ooh, he'd make a good King too. Basically, put the man in more movies about music, he's a great actor AND has chops, that is not something to waste.

The difference between "motherfucker" as endearment/recognition of skill, e.g. for Jimi Hendrix, and "non-playing motherfucker" for people like Steve Miller is awesome.

Cheadle as Davis is some excellent casting. The only thing better would be him joining Denzel Washington's John Coltrane and them solving crimes in '50s LA…

The autobiography is pure gold. Reading it will raise your opinion of Davis the musician, likely lower your opinion of him as a person and increase your use of the word "motherfucker" by at least 400 percent.

Yeah, "life stories" are not stories. They are lives crammed into narratives, which almost always does a disservice to the life in question. Pick an interesting period and stick with it, the person whose character is interesting enough to justify a movie can do so no matter what the length of time you cover.

Gladder still that it's not a goddamn biopic. Hell yes to the short version, maybe this can pave the way for the Wendell-Pierce-as-Charles-Mingus-circa-1964 movie I've been pining for for ages.

"I gave my love a chicken, it had no -" *MAULED*

I said this over at Dad's Place, but Pratt as Andy Dwyer doing a doltish Goldblum spin on Ian Malcom would be hilarious.

I think you mean *updates Jurassic Parks and Procreation tumblr*


Yeah, I think The Far Side is sort of a dead end (I love the comic and would place it in my personal top five). I can see people drawing inspiration for their own comics from Calvin & Hobbes' dynamic and themes and art but The Far Side has only spawned imitators ranging from mediocre to crappy, to my knowledge at

I liked them fine enough when I saw them live but I really enjoyed opener Bardo Pond and sought them out again on multiple occasions while being content with my one Sonic Youth show. Maybe they had an off night.

Yeah, Teenage Riot is a pop song and it is amazing. Put it on your car stereo and hit the road.

And from this I take it you are also depriving them of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade! I'm calling social services.

The Coens are an interesting counterpoint. I love them and think they are generally humanist filmmakers, I think people who see them as contemptuous are frequently missing what's going on below the surface (or sometimes right there on the surface) in favor of projecting. When they do go mean, like in Burn After

There is a heartbreaking tribute to Pogo in Alan Moore's Swamp Thing run, in some ways it comes out of nowhere but actually fits in extremely well with Moore's themes in the comic.