
I don't remember the sabbatical but I have an extremely strong memory of turning to Calvin and Hobbes' spot in the Sunday comics and being confronted by this: http://cdn1.sbnation.com/im… . Despite the title clearly being there I couldn't get past the initial panels and was outraged — Rex Morgan was a thing I

Um, you are raising a clan of half-wits and dullards if you do not let them exercise their brains with Slylock Fox.

Yeah, the only appropriate soundtrack for this is classical music at 78 rpm.

Don't forget Monkeybone! He's fantastic at the end of that. But yeah, other than that and Undercover Brother I can't stand the guy.

Hobbes' perplexity at Mr. Bun is so damn funny. Also, this is almost assuredly the first time I heard the word "comatose."

When I was in early elementary school I'd go with my mom to the supermarket on Saturdays and sit in the books/magazines aisle while she did the shopping for an hour. One of those revolving book carousels had every Calvin and Hobbes and Far Side collection up to that point and I'd just read them every week. It was

Oh no! Based on that photo, I'm assuming that Todd from Breaking Bad is preparing to shoot Calvin.

My old newspaper office had a huge blown-up copy of the last panel in this strip — http://www.zotzelectrical.c… — hanging on the wall. It'd been there from well before I came and hung around long after I left and I have no inkling why it was singled out and pasted up, but it never failed to make me laugh.

Early Bloom County was essentially a Doonesbury rip-off and Breathed has said as much. But like other commenters here are pointing out, Breathed's later layouts, especially for Sunday stuff, owe a lot to Watterson, if nothing else because Watterson was the loudest and strongest voice for keeping Sunday layouts as a

Also neither hyperbole or up for debate: Bats' status as bugs.

Man, "How fucking dare you" is so perfect a Wahlberg line that I'm tempted to believe it doesn't actually exist, a la "Play it again, Sam."

Oh shit son, you mess with Delaware you get The Biden.

Humanity barely survived the Happening…
but now…
the human race is going to be eliminated…
Root and Branch

Wait a minute, we can't even see the hilarious original typo by clicking through your comment history anymore? CURSE YOU, NUDISQUS!


The less I know about the actual provenance of that image the better, it can't be as good as whatever we make up.

Their bigger sin is somehow missing the potential title Gunns and Verreoses.

I'd rather watch a Candyland movie that was two hours of people actually playing Candyland than see Amelie again.

Thank you for that.

It's been an hour and no one has booed this? BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO to both the pun and our lax standards.