
You're definitely supposed to provide an explanation in the correction. And I'm with you (and I think with Teti) about how the apology contains a lack of accounting, excellent phrase. I dislike how that argument is framed through comparison to apologies of an entirely different nature. And that framework of pop

Dudes who run Pleasure Island
Demon from Night On Bald Mountain
Cruella De Ville

None! Only observation and bitter conjecture. Also, "validating the person being apologized to" is not necessarily a bad thing, depending on the situation. If I call you a jerk and then apologize, I would hope to give you the validation that calling you a jerk denies. I just don't see its importance in a case like

Good point.

Whatever, Holly Hunter. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get this woman to tear up for our second camera.

" I would be much more likely to perceive 60 Minutes as it wishes to be
perceived if they acknowledged the gross missteps taken here."

Oh, I'd say "apologizing" and "assuming responsibility" are two concepts that do not have to overlap.

Oh man, "Kent's People" and then Bart's adaptations are excellent stuff. Brockman is a great journalistic tool — if you can read your work in his voice and it sounds like actual lines from the show, you probably fucked up somewhere.

"Squat Asian men with deadly hats: Are they undermining the great game of golf? Stand by for a special report."

As a part of a news organization that got rid of the coffee machines some five years ago during budget cutbacks, I don't find your vision appalling at all.

It's a legitimate concern, especially when it's been concealed by previous presidents. FDR was always photographed sitting down because his legs were actually 150-pound sacks of suet.

Yeah, I remember visiting Germany and hearing northern Germans tell jokes about southern Germans as their Stupid People of choice. "Stupidity" is often geography, I like the sports alternative.

Not sure if "cooler" is the word…

I went off about this much further down but yeah — the mechanics are more important than the sentiment.

Some nice observations but I don't like the angle of this article. Gleason and Letterman are performers whose only metric is the audience, if more people loved You're In The Picture or laughed at the Palin joke than did not, I doubt you get an apology. 60 Minutes is beholden to facts (the "truth" is, as pointed out

I'm sure it was no good for his already bad health, but him busting out the smokes on Sept. 11 was a very human moment.

Hmmm — is there a good "stupid person" joke construction? Because I like a lot of those jokes and as you say, that's generally what they revolve around, not anything culturally specific (jokes about black people excepted, the ones I know are generally quite specific). I'm thinking of something like the guys in the bar

Some time ago several of us were hanging out and hungover and the TV wound up on 90210, we probably watched it for four hours. I never watched it during its actual run but it was phenomenal day after boozing TV — enough plot to keep your brain occupied and not concentrating on its own pickled status, but not requiring

I used to fuck extraterrestrial saviors like you in PRISON!

It was like the Avenged Sevenfold review that led to our glorious gimmick account, but much less expected.