
Less "fancy" than "unhealthy with many options." Decent portions and also beer.

I feel like with a few more exclamation points and misspellings this could be a Jackie Harvey article. Which is a good thing!

I would suggest the misleadingly-named Boston Burger, which is actually in Davis Square in Somerville.

Oh yeah, isn't his kid mayor at that point (in 2015)? Forgot about him.

Also you have Marty positively changing his future through inaction (not racing) rather than action (betting on, among other things, racing). I think you've got something there.

If you order it in most recent comments, you'll be above his! TIME TRAVEL!

Yeah, "too many demands" from an employee to an employer is nearly always a horseshit phrase. He wanted something they didn't want to give him, and they decided to fuck him over in the process. Fuck them.

Fox's delivery is great but the sentiment is strikingly honest to me. Who wouldn't be horrified to find out that in the future, you have become an asshole?

You will be happy to hear that a friend of mine throws "bojo" around at any viable and several non-viable opportunities. It is a great insult.

The "small-minded villainy" is an interesting point, Wilson does fantastic work throughout the movie. On rewatch I have a lot of sympathy for Old Biff — at some level, he knows that he's been cheated by Marty in the past. He was on top of Hill Valley and then this time-traveling snotnose fucks it up for him. And

Blade Runner's future is an aesthetic, Back to the Future's is accoutrements. Neither may be accurate but the former envelops the movie and the latter is a series of gags. Which I find generally funny but like all gags, the mileage varies greatly.

I'm not saying it's intentional, as @Scrawler2:disqus says it's casual and entirely common for an 80s movie. And like you say, there are plenty of other instances of Hell Valley being hellish. But are there other black people in the movie besides Marvin Berry's band? (Honest question, I don't remember.) Is there any

Real Glassid?

I knew at least one person would get the reference. Why exactly are we getting an Entourage movie and no Westing Game film? Have we displeased the gods?

Excuse me, don't you have a TINY conflict of interest in posting that?

BtotheF and Ryan North are treasures. What a nutty damn book.

Makes millions in the stock market, loses them, makes even more, ultimately marries Theo but doesn't have kids, but does have a niece whom she's instructing in chess.

The best one by far, and one of the greatest Movie Newspapers in general, is the one where Doc gets thrown in the nuthouse. Front page news!

Can … can something be better without Mary Steenburgen? I can't conceive of such a thing.