
Again — Ghostbusters 2 is the H.W. Bush to the original's Reagan. Of course it pales in comparison to the original but it's not that bad.

Yup, the ghost/Janos baby abduction is horrifying, especially to young kids.

"The sensation of "What is going on?!" when 1985 is a ruined hellscape was disturbing in the best way"

Man, can you just go around posting that on all Kennedy-related stuff? Not just here, but across the internet?

The song knows what it did!

@avclub-07563a3fe3bbe7e3ba84431ad9d055af:disqus yeah, the "here I am" is so damn weird. It makes me think of Jim Slade busting in the bedroom in Kentucky Fried Movie.

We've been through the AV Club top to bottom and all we've found is porno, porno, porno!

This is coming from someone who enjoyed the hell out of the first few Tool albums, but I don't see how Keenan's amazing voice and bad poetry being applied to prog-metal that appeals to 17-year-old boys is intrinsically better than your suggestion.

If this ultimately gets me a half-human half-robot cyborg baby chewing its way out of the womb then I see no problem here.

Sackhoff as Connor and Edward James Olmos as the out-of-date but still powerful T-800 who yells at the T-1000 because it got too fat.

Not sure a balance is needed here. The loss of paying work is indeed a bad thing, but on the other hand the less Big Fish in the world the better.

I like this, not only is Headley awesome but it allows us to interpret Dredd as a drugged-out Sarah Connor ruthlessly taking over a building in order to stave off the evil robot dick that is Karl Urban.

You probably couldn't find it because it's buried under the weight of 16 years since that Seinfeld episode about Morty joining J. Peterman aired.

Now that Lansbury has hit 88 years old, we're gonna see some serious shit.

Philip Seymour Hoffman. Not even a question. Just look at him with the mustache in Owning Mahowny.

Comedy Central cans mean-spirited, insolent young American man while PBS renews mean-spirited, insolent elderly British lady? THANKS, OBAMA

He has an ectomorphic Private Pyle look, I think.

Yeah, while Jason is right that ska has a bad reputation it's a lot of fun.

Yeah, loved hearing that announcer and the callout to June Foray was sweet.

Pilot called out the "spelunking" line already but good lord was that funny, Mintz' delivery is perfect. Tina is so determined in her horniness.