
"It stood for nothing and was built on nothing, and that ethos of negation was all it was about."

He's got a point, at no point did Soundgarden ever include Rick Wakeman.

Oh lord, now I'm picturing some kind of snpp for grunge, people ripping apart the latest albums as being betrayals of the initial records and searching for continuity errors in the liner notes.

He does get a lot of shit but the Celtics probably wouldn't have won the 2008 Finals without him.

For Our Consideration: Steve Hyden's Music Is Bad And He Should Feel Bad

Man, for some reason I can totally hear Mike Patton singing those O Sole Mio lyrics in his Faith No More rap voice.

Unfortunately Sean sent the e-mail alert to Steven Spielberg's address.

This is my favorite.


Die, dumb teenagers, die! Heh, with a dry cool wit like that, I could be an acti

Yeah, and winter was no picnic either. I had a sled with a big plastic box I'd have to drag around when it was really snowy. And the distributor was sort of a dick, I remember one time he didn't drop the papers off until 6 or so and I told him I couldn't deliver because I had to, you know, go to school, and he got

From what I understand, the general consensus is small town papers can survive (in my opinion, this cannot happen when they're under large corporate ownership) and very large papers — your NYTs and WSJs — will also be OK. Smaller metropolitan newspapers are the ones that are really in trouble and that's where you've

Bathroom raw-dogging is a noted rhetorical strategy dating back to the ancient Greeks.

Yeah — very suddenly. They'd been hurting financially for a while but no one saw them dying coming, I think. But both Providence and Portland still have Phoenixes, I think the margins are better there? In any case it's been a huge loss for the city.

Ewan McGregor has had that beating coming for some time.

Oh god that drawing.

I was the last paperboy who was willing (read: stupid enough) to deliver door to door in our neighborhood — once I stopped they just turned it into a "rural route" and put it in boxes next to household mailboxes. It was a shitty job in many, many ways but I still have some affection for it. And Christmas tips were

The people need to know that Todd smells!

Yeah, I don't know much about Spare Change but its existence is pretty awesome. I expect to be working for them at some point, probably sooner than I would like.