
Oh good lord, I hadn't even considered that happening. That would indeed be awful.

Wow, I bet John Hawkes is pleased that he's made it to the point where studios are demanding younger versions of him instead of, you know, him.

"Time for another beer" is how I handle journalistic disappointments as well. In a related story, I am massively hungover today.

Whoa, what is this place? This is what I get for rarely going into the Tolerability Index…

I stopped reading Slate some time ago but checked it out out of curiosity when I heard how bad the redesign was. Holy cats is it terrible. As @avclub-3eaaa7595f2420e94a301261b78c0d6c:disqus notes, it's not designed for how a huge amount of its readers (slacking workers) are visiting it, I really hope the AV Club does

Old newspaper box liquor cabinets/wet bars are awesome. Easily the use most in spirit with its past life.

I get your point, but NBC also had J. Fred Muggs, so this isn't exactly a huge step down for them.

IES Chang is an excellent start but if they really want to pander they should post some Darabont original drafts.

IES Chang drinks pupae mixed with pumpkin vodka. It is fucking disgusting. I mean, pumpkin vodka?!

Hey, be happy you still have a Phoenix.

I demand Kyle Ryan adopt the avatar of Douchey 90s Rob Lowe.

Thanks for the reminder of my profession's impending death, you jerks.

The title was shortened from its original form, S is for Superfluousness.

So it's going to be revealed at the beginning of the movie that Han and Chewbacca died when their ship crashed?

This should be moved to the top of the comments.

I thought the commentary came when Robocop went out and got shitfaced with Bertie and Bingo and the gang and woke up with a horrible hangover and no eggs and b.

Man, something about that "/ladies" tag on the url is extremely skeevy. Like if you click there you'll get photos of Kevin McHale's Smoove B-influenced boudoir.

KPRW In Alberquerque
Skinny Pete, Skinny Pete
Shit Jane's Dad Says

Nice metal suit, Murphy!

Not a still from a Bjork video, so missed opportunity there.