
Tom Haverford's suit rental for boys/smaller gentlemen was tragically 200 years and several Constitutional amendments in the future.

Narnian metal band names:

Ooh, Nighy might beat my Giamatti choice above.

For christ's sake, @avclub-bca3531762af8a993c4f60c48fd5e33b:disqus ! When will you get over your prudish and dare I say bigoted distaste for lesbots?

Storywise, the first book is by far the best suited for a traditional fantasy movie. The second is almost the definition of diminishing returns but still works, and while I think Dawn Treader is a great read, it's essentially a bunch of interconnected short stories with no clear narrative other then "we're journeying

Paul Giamatti has been my choice for ages. Yes, I have thought about Puddleglum casting before this Newswire, what of it?

"In terms of expansion, Gus and Mike simply expanded to their natural
point where they weren't really required to do more, so far as we saw. 
Walt's nature is simply catching up with their level"

Link for people who don't know: http://jl8comic.tumblr.com/. Thanks to whoever here linked it in one of the JLA reviews, it's the opposite of a Millar comic.

This is a legit great idea. The other drug dealers snidely refer to him as "The Colonel" and there's a flashback where he looks on in horror as his best friend is subpoenaed to a Congressional hearing.

Oh no! That cute little dog is on meth!

Same here. This also bodes extremely well for my "I'm drinking a lot at these concerts but science will provide me a new liver!" strategy.

@avclub-e57dbebc740250d2c4a370cf6ccb35f0:disqus it's "KYU-brick-man."

Folie a Deux has a lot of fun playing with the central conceit of the show — what if Mulder really IS just a damn nutbag? — but its hook is one that always gets under my skin, that sometimes you're the only one who can see how wrong everything is and people not only will not listen, but think YOU are what's wrong. The

It is impressive that a sentence that begins "I still look at Snickers as a healthy snack" only becomes more amusingly ludicrous as it goes on.

The very same! And he is quite clearly implied to be torn apart by said dogs at the end. It's extremely King-ish in its finding horror in a mundane object, particularly one that a huge amount of the show's audience had or would soon be dealing with.

I dunno, I think the Real Ghostbusters has a pretty big following of people claiming it holds up. I haven't seen the show since I was a kid but from what I remember the episode where the gang was trapped by a satanic gameshow host* and (especially) the one where they have to prevent Ragnarok were both pretty scary,

Ooh, Pierrot Le Fou is a good one, the first half especially. Outstanding use of odd physics and movement to unsettle the viewer.

FUCK YES EERIE INDIANA. The Daylight Savings episode comes to mind, as of course does the braces episode. "Metal mouth! Metal mouth!"

Your dad is the true Greatest American Hero.

"Folie a Deux" is my pick.