Right, questions is what it's raising…
Right, questions is what it's raising…
We'll actually need to get rid of 4 when Oregon splits in two, so maybe Texas. We'll miss you Xanderpuss.
Right here?
That's up to the reader to figure out
Also a good point about your argument, that I probably would have picked up on if I wasn't racing through this comment section at manic speeds (probably influenced by consumption of delivery pizza and the associated box chemicals)
Aren't cloves supposed to be carcinogenic too?
I didn't, if it is a reference to outside media, but did if it is a reference to my own sad existence.
Please, I'm begging you. I know I've disagreed with you on things before, and I'm not the most lovable commenter, but please, for the love of god, write a book about your crazy friends and an edgy childrens book about your imaginary daughter. I would buy the shit out of both. Please. I know you have it in you. please.
Have you not noticed that fast-food related articles are among the most popular here? Which says two things 1) clicks = cash & 2) Fast-food is the pop-culture of food
Garlic Sauce is like heroin. You get really sick the first time, but keep going and you're hooked.
"Really hungry that one time and I got free food" is like the least conservative shit ever. We should convince their owner and others like him that welfare is a promotional thing, and we'll solve hunger in America.
Go to the bad part. We don't want you here in the west. I mean you're fine personally, but not once associated with them out east, not so much.
Fuckin' rebel
I'm willing to blindly believe it, but am morbidly curious to find out about the real world examples of this happening.
YOLO, to me, always seemed like a better argument not to do something. Not in this case, because diet is a relatively manageable risk, but when it comes to doing a backflip off a skyscraper into a kiddy pool, YOLO should serve as a deterrent.
Not to digress from my earlier agreement, and not actually knowing the figure off the top of my head, but average life expectancy in less than developed countries could be significantly altered by infant mortality and childhood deaths, even young adult deaths, as well. What one really has to consider is life…
They call them "late-life diseases" and the reason they pop up more and more is because the average life-expectancy in developed countries has increased by a couple of decades or so. (side note, it hasn't increased by like 50+ years, because including childhood deaths in figures from before the industrial era is…
Yeah, and Mexico beats us in terms of obesity
It can be two things