le pays froid

Yeah but this about sex, not going to the new sushi place across town that they're reluctant to try. Different rules apply.

Ridiculous and narcissistic and terrible…sort of stuck in this never ending loop.

It's like c'mon, get sheets big enough for your bed!

No that's something one should praise.

I don't often watch Conan and I don't often watch travel shows, but I'd definitely watch that

Speaking of back-pay, when are they gonna make a video game about unionizing the local meat packing plant?

So the horse has proved to be a let down?

That you would call those the only good Decemberists albums is never besides the point and we now have to fight!

I never knew you were so into Ax7


They want people to lose some money, not everything

Beautiful synergy

The A.V. Club
I can't believe I am defending this crap song.

A shot glass, duh

Yeah I've heard that about fast food in Europe, that it's essentially pointless due it being more expensive than better options

Il faut avoir plusieurs tuques, tout le temps, tous les jours, parce qu'il fait frette et l'hiver ne te niase pas

OK, mais c’est pas de ma faute si tu la perds dans un banc de neige.

Attache ta tuque

You don't have to be popu-lar
Find out who your true friends are
