le pays froid

The most amazing thing is that it's all basically like 3-4 people.

It's almost like the most hateful are also the most ignorant

These people don't understand basic etymology

Hey now, that's not fair to the mentally disabled. This person is just…I don't even fucking know…

I…I just…like what the…really?

I see no snark. Your name promises snark, but it's not there.

You should have just continued lurking

Is there a type of vodka that isn't distilled?

No I think that's where those little star things that say "juif" on them come from

They've certainly made great strides toward their goal of world domination

Move on to?

Those things all range from acceptable to delicious

I think I agree with you, based on experience and such, but I'm curious if you have any kind of theory as to why this is?

Sharon Stone?

Interesting synergy

Hey now, that's for the alley outside the building full of studios without stoves

I mean, if you're saying it in German, it's by default at least ten times creepier

Bump Addler ?

Encore une fois, il faut que je te dise : Comment ?

Est-ce que c'est vraiment triste ? Et non, j'en ai aucune sauf les miennes *il fume violemment et commence à tousser*