Comment ?
Comment ?
Je l'avale, Je m'en fous la la la…hahaha mdr. Malgré les fautes, c’est carrément drôle !
Bah ouais, c'est la guerre.
I was gonna say, it's quite the issue in la belle province, despite the fact that there's like what, 50 people who even actually wear niqab or something like that. I'm sure there's ten times more idiots who voted in potato sacks and Halloween masks than people who even practice that form of Islam in Quebec.
Something, something, racists in potato sacks.
It's funny, even when you follow the french (and french Canadian) news, you still hear a lot about our marmot-haired fuckwad.
Le Pen is way worse
This person said in one of their replies that they actually like the Innocence Project, but my brain broke trying to rectify the cognitive dissonance that assertion brought on, having read literally everything else they said.
I just learned that the actor who plays McNulty is very british. This is entirely unrelated, but somehow necessary for me to share.
I really do love "why'd I ever even give a single fuck" Obama, and as undemocratic as it sounds, just wish he'd stay president just a tiny bit longer
I live with my folks again, who have good cable, and I'm loving it for that Al Jazeera
Haqqani is in the English name of a real terrorist group
It's kinda interesting though that his last name is also the name of a real terrorist group, the Haqqani network. Perhaps that's where Homeland's writers (as racist as they nonetheless are) got the name.
Yeah, if we actually get broad support for him and his "radical" ideas, and then he doesn't win ( probably in a shitty underhanded way), all those recent converts' (to actually voting) cynicism will be proven correct, and hopefully there will be hell to pay.
Yes, but he didn't have the kind of notoriety that Sanders has. Honestly, I've seen Sanders get a reaction out of people who had sworn off the idea of voting
Sad upvote, I mean, I will vote for Sanders in the primary, but have resigned myself to voting for Hillary just to avoid a Republican in the White House.
Seriously criticizing the Israeli government's actions are also essentially political suicide, perhaps worse than being labelled a socialist.
It's kinda sickening to me that "the amount of money she's raised" even plays a significant part in the equation that equals her election.
I wouldn't be so sure he doesn't have a chance, but I live in Portland, so it's possible that my frame of reference is skewed.