
Folks, I humbly submit to your castigations.  As I posted above, I'm not expert on the Trick.  Not by a long shot.  I'll revisit this (always been intrigued by Budokan) ,
and somehow, somewhere (probably here when it's appropriate) get back to you all.

I have to be perfectly honest and admit that I never gave their early catalogue or the deeper cuts of any of their albums any decent scrutiny.  But based solely on their radio play (the hits) I feel safe that I can place them astride any of the other bands in my list.

I STILL don't know what the real lyrics are.  Anyone?

Yayyy!!!  My band finally has a name.

Yeah, what the hell happened there?  Terry Kath dies and the whole band goes to shit.  Worst concert I ever saw was Chicago.  Because they were perfect.   If you've got a goddamned brass section, let 'em roll.  Every solo was note-for-note from the albums.  Just put a good fucking stero system on the stage and go

or Tina Turner:

Journey / Foreigner / Boston et. al….

Great little bass player and all 'round good guy.

Prior to seeing this series I had never heard of Mogwai.  Is the work on Les Revenants representative of the output so far?  This is a Scottish band (or guy), correct?

Just like living it all over again, again!

The last two lines just killed me.  That and the shimmying to Nina.

I liked 'Sentimental Education' moreso than 'Bovary'.  Thanks for the nudge.  May do a re-read before the summer's out.

Got into Laura Marling's new disc 'Once I Was An Eagle'.  Must have played it four or five times.  Where the hell have I been?  I've never heard of her, and she's spectacularly good!  16 great tracks, so I got my money's worth.  No one, absolutely no one, should be this good at 23 years old . Four studio albums to her

Love 'The Returned' (Les Revenants).  I've been lucky enough to see the entire first season (with English subs) and now have to wait until 2014 for new episodes.  Between that and waiting for Breaking Bad, it's going to be a jittery little while.  I've already heard noises about a US television adaptation of The

I saw 'Much Ado…' on Friday and loved it!  Great performances all around, but I thought Amy Acker was the standout by far.  If Whedon wants to try this every couple of years between projects, I 'll have no objection at all. 

I've taken three running jumps at 'The Sound And The Fury' and just can't get past the first twenty pages.  I just never know who's doing the talking.  I recently read that there's a new edition with DIFFERENT COLORED INK for each character.  A big cheat, I know, but sometimes a little handholding can't hurt.  I may

He's really just a shadow of the man that I once knew.

Ancient Chinese Secret nights at the Gem!  Best ever!

"Look, everything we're putting into that box becomes ungrounded, and I
don't mean grounded like to the earth, I mean, not tethered. I mean,
we're blocking whatever keeps it moving forward and so they flip-flop.
Inside the box it's like a street, both ends are cul-de-sacs. I mean,
this isn't frame dragging or wormhole

Best known for his role as Saruman?
Ahem.  Dracula?