
I demand any prospective mate be amused by the fact that Karl Winslow killed a man in an episode of "Family Matters".

It's About Time
I'm glad we were all so persuasive last week & in the last few days when it came to clamoring for this show to be covered. It is easily the best new show of the season (for all its flaws), and it gets better with every episode (unlike several other new shows, which are already getting tiresome).

Thanks for the constructive criticism. Come back any time.

Just because you asked (and because I got to help enact change), I will be sure to do that.

I hate to say I told you so…
…because it's not like my word counts for any more than anyone else's. Still, Noel, you did read my comment about SoA on the Fringe board and respond to it, so I know at least you recognize what's what on this show. So… start writing about it! It's good, we're watching it, and you know for

FRINGE does appeal to a wider audience — plus it's on Fox, so it flat out has a wider audience to begin with — but it's not a great show. Anna Torv has just been killing me with the dull acting, and Pacey is not bringing it to the table. Like I said, it's John Noble that's keeping me watching, and who knows how long

I don't hate this show…
…but it's just barely keeping me entertained. Without John Noble and his fantastic delivery, I'd probably stop watching it in favor of something more interesting.

i think we're all gonna keep watching
You may as well make this one a regular feature — we're all going to keep watching it. FX makes good shows; this one will end up just getting better.

I was always a huge fan of Joe Dever's Lone Wolf books — they were extremely well-done, and the setting was unique.

Damn, Nabin… you're really ripping on poor Nabin up there. I think Nabin owes Nabin an apology for being too harsh.

Hey, jazz is a middling famous genre. Jazz fanatics like to pretend that the greats are all well-known, but when I say "middling-famous" I mean "some people who don't really listen to jazz because we're int he 21st goddamn century still know his name". He's not Louis Armstrong or John Coltrane, so he's not seriously

First off, it's really nice to see that someone with taste and knowledge loves Luscious Jackson as much as I do. We're talking one of my top five favorite bands of all time here, and most people I know have no idea who they are/were. Frustrating! Something from "Fever In, Fever Out" would have been a safer choice

Yeah, it's true. Their father was some middling-famous jazz musician.

harvey danger
While "Flagpole Sitta" isn't a bad song, it's a weak entry for Harvey Danger — they're a much better band than most people realize. They were hugely influential on bands like Death Cab for Cutie.

Mattress Man Commercial
The special features on the DVD include the "Mattress Man Commercial" with Philip Seymour Hoffman, and is not to be missed.

Thank you for your timely tip, Nerdcore Rising Street Team Member!

"The Oak Ridge Boys came to t0wn… one of 'em had a boner!"

No, no, not N.E.R.D. — I was referring to MC Frontalot and Nerdcore hip-hop. Acts like MC Chris, Optimus Rhyme, Beefy, Jesse Dangerously, and the like. If you don't know who they are… well, hey, then you don't know who they are. It's not surprising, and that stuff's not for everybody.

and where was Frontalot?
That's what I want to know. Why is Nerdcore always left out in the cold? It's an indoor kid — it can't survive in the wild.

But but but but but…! what about my question regarding the vampire vomiting up its own guts? Or that one about the book with the kid and the robot and the sentient grove of plants or something? Or the alien that ate the African violets? Who will answer those questions for me?