
I would have been interested to hear your thoughts on Junius (whose songs you kept); I picked up an EP of theirs a while back and enjoyed it, with a couple key tracks really catching my attention, and I've heard some other tracks of theirs via Pandora, but I'm not really sure what to make of them.

He came up to Seattle once to play the Crocodile Cafe and open for Harvey Danger, and it's one of the best sets I've ever seen. He's super-talented.

I slogged through the archives a couple of years ago, and it was painful — reading out-of-date insider video game jokes that weren't really funny when they were contemporary was brutal. But when I got to the later comics and the humor broadened a bit so that it wasn't always so god-awful pigeonholed, I was pleased. It

I'm not surprised that you don't have any Jazzanova albums, but I am saddened.

Here we go again
Thanks for the "Choctaw Bingo" cut — I really enjoyed that one.

Fuck all, I swear I replied to this yesterday and it ate my goddamn comment or something. Bullshit.

How dare you besmirch my Nabin!

As We Go
Could have stood to hear more on Heatmiser, Helmet, the Hollies, Hope Sandoval (I'm assuming you'll just talk about her on the Mazzy Star entry), and Human League. You know… if you're looking for stuff to recap down the road.

Wrap Up
No write-up of the Grass Roots means no discussing the renaissance Creed Bratton is experiencing with his amazing turn on the Office. So sad.

"Maybe it's just me, but if you'd read the titles of those episodes to me a week ago, I wouldn't have been able to remember what they were about—and that's pretty telling, I think."

It's too bad about your trip-hop divide; there's a lot of really quality stuff to be found in that genre, even if it gets a lot of flack these days (undeserved, in my opinion). Still, if any kind of entertainment is a "to each his own" enterprise, it's music.

Neither Gorillaz nor Gnarls Barkley? That's a damn shame. I'd have loved to hear about Gordon Lightfoot, Generation X, and Ghostface Killah, but alas, it was not to be. Good call nixing Golden Earring.

Hey, I dig the Foo Fighters cover.

Big ups on the praise for Rounders — that was an awesome movie.

Shoulda gone with "My density has popped me to you", man.

Cally Theory
The Cally Theory was always a weak one — in order for her to be the last Cylon, Galen Tyrol would have to be human. Cylons can't breed with Cylons. This is why Helo is also out of the running.

Goodbye, FischerSpooner
Thanks for reminding me to go back and listen to my Fugazi records. I was wondering if you'd have First Wave Hello, Flyleaf, the Flys, Fort Minor, Freezepop, the Frogs, or Fun Lovin' Criminals (among others that you mentioned). I'm glad to see you mentioned Folk Implosion. Of my list, I can

…seem free, it's because I'm always running.

isn't not
Everyone's giving you flak for the buy/bye gaffe, but you've got "Quarrel isn't not his only ally" in there, as well.

I've been saying this for a while now…
…so it's good to hear at least one music critic saying it, too. It actually started when I got an iPod three years ago and started sorting through my massive music library, deciding what to put on it. There ended up being a ton of STP, and I finally recognized that I liked the