
No Black Star?
Where's the team-up of Talib Kweli and Mos Def? You're a little slim on the hip hop, Noel.

i dig their other stuff…
No surprise that I dig this, too.

Live Show
I saw him open for Harvey Danger at the Crocodile Cafe a few years ago, having heard of him primarily because of his work on the Punch-Drunk Love soundtrack (which I loved) and other production stuff he'd handled. I wasn't really sure what to expect, but I was blown away by the originality and talent of his

Nabin, you have made me a happy man by continuing this feature.

It's nice to see which installments I missed here.

Also, bands oddly missing in this installment: Autolux, Atmosphere (no hip hop?). Were Ash and Aqueduct part of the last installment's alphabet-block?

Odd Echoes
Your thoughts seem to echo mine a lot in this entry — while I'm more forgiving of Badly Drawn Boy (which tends to come with discovering a band later than most) and less forgiving of the Band (I don't have strong roots with country rock), I found a lot of your comments on Atari Teenage Riot, the B-52's, Bad

Damn. Mea culpa. I can't believe I left him out.

Los Angeles Digital Noise Academy
I'm actually more interested in his other project, Los Angeles Digital Noise Academy. It's got Laner, Ken Andrews (Failure/Year of the Rabbit/On/Replicants), Charlotte Martin (also Andrews' wife), and Sharky Laguana (Creeper Lagoon). I like Laner's solo stuff, but the collaborative

the American Analog Set, and Others
This is going to end up reading like fanmail.

Every Time I Hear Her Speak…
…I wonder why anyone asked her to talk in the first place. She is one of the most poorly-spoken entertainers I've ever heard.

oddest discovery
Having played Rock Band at a party with friends, I was surprised to discover that I can sing. When a video game manages to reveal a hidden talent not just to your friends, but to you… now that's a game.

Oh, if only we could. It would fulfill the needs of so many lonely forum posters.

I often wonder if Kevin Smith had read that story before writing the similar scene in Mallrats.

Hey, what's wrong with casting Vincent Cassel as Gambit? He's certainly got the agility for it.

I wanted Sylar to say "I'm strong to the finish" when that spinach can flew into his hand.

I'm so glad I'm not the only one who is still sad and angry about River Phoenix's death. He was so very talented, and wise beyond his years regarding his trade as an actor (if not in the common sense department, where drugs are concerned). I firmly believe that, had he lived, he would have done amazing work.

I think I may actually end up doing this because the idea amuses me so much. Of course, I have no intention of actually providing any pertinent information that would lead back to me, but I still like the idea of mailing a musician $5 with a note explaining that I support them making music, but I don't really

Why call out the fanboys?
Why are you testily calling out the fanboys who remember Victoria from Blade Runner? Aren't you the one who mentioned that fact last week?

Weird Soufflee
I'm cautiously optimistic here. I like Seth Rogen, I like Elizabeth Banks, I like Kevin Smith (you know… when he's doing something interesting), and I like the premise. I'll actually wait this one out.