
Is this what they meant?
Was the message "Save the Cheerleader, Save the Whales" all along?

Reality TV
I think this is the saddest part of the writers' strike — the replacement of entertainment with more reality TV. It'll be good to catch up on my reading, at least.

I'm sad to hear that this is the opinion of the AV Club on this film. I had/have high hopes for it. I'll still see it, of course, but I was hoping the news would be good.

oh man…
Now I feel like a retard for posting my own statement about the Permanent Records list on the latest entry. I hadn't read this article, but if I had, I'd have posted it here (where my opinions were actually sought, in a general sort of way) and avoided the evisceration I got for posting it on Simple Minds Day.

Gettin' the Band Back Together
It'll be great to see the reunion of the original all-stars. Just picture it — Michael, Tito, the other dude, Reggie, Andrew, Action….

No, I got it. It's cool. My sarcasm just doesn't translate well through the magic of the Internet. I didn't miss the joke. I am sort of weirded out, though, by bfred's response — it's not like I'm saying none of these bands deserve to be here, but more that I'm asking when I'm going to see a band I both know and care

Never having seen an episode of Grey's Anatomy, I initially had such a hard time believing Patrick Dempsey was on a hit TV show that my surprise just would not go away. I can't recall how many times I said, "That dude from Loverboy and Can't Buy Me Love?"

Thanks for the advice, Prep Heche — I'll take it under consideration. Seriously.

Nah, I get it. You weren't overly harsh, man — you just stated your case, like I did. I'm mostly just weirded out by the people who think that it's somehow better to advocate that I fucking die than it is for me to speak up and say, "Am I alone in feeling a little alienated by these choices?" I expected disagreement

Jesus. I can't win for losin'. I can't help but cringe at the fact that I tried not to be offensive in my post, but half the people deriding me for what they consider bashing the staff here are foul-mouthed and insulting. That's just awkward. I wasn't trying to hurt your feelings, guys — I was just stating an opinion.

I sort of cheat when it comes to that, checking for new articles via my Google Reader feed. It picks up most everything (though it leaves off the TV Club blogs, which is annoying).

Well, I'll admit that the fact that I haven't read the column since its inception does seriously impair my ability to make 100% accurate statements about its history (I never read the Joni Mitchell article, and I haven't plumbed the archives to see what came before), so you make a really solid point. I admit that my

Thanks for actually listening rather than yelling, Noel — that's really appreciated. Like I said, I'm not trying to indict your taste or methods, I'm just stating my opinion as a reader. I actually think your challenge is more than fair. As a quick side note, I do know who Simple Minds are; as I've said a couple

And suddenly i knew
Now I know where I recognize her from, having seen her during that Denis Leary roast, and it's sort of an awkward feeling. I mean, I've watched Flight of the Conchords before, and I kept thinking I'd seen her somewhere….

Jesus, you guys are acting like my post is an indictment of relatively-unknown music and the musical taste of the writers. I was actually trying to be gentle with my opinions, because I really wasn't looking to piss anyone off.

Wait a second… before I was born? Because it's music I don't care about, it's automatically older than me? Jesus. I was born in the late '70s, so it's not actually older than me — I remember Simple Minds being fairly popular. In this case, I just don't care about the band — I never found them impressive or

Oh, I get that it's Simple Minds in this case — this'd fall more under the heading of "bands I don't care about", which is a much more forgivable sin (seeing as I don't realistically expect the AV Club to tailor their articles to my taste in music). I was speaking more of the column in general, though I guess the

You may be right, but for me, I just don't get that feeling very often. I can see how you could interpret some of the other stuff on the site as "sneering hipster" journalism, but I figure most of that is just the tone of the industry and the intent of the site (which has an overall smirking, tongue-in-cheek look at

not really a statement of quality…
I know I can't be alone in saying this, but it feels like the Onion AV Club's Hall of Fame is entirely made up of albums either by bands I have never heard of or absolutely do not care about. I'm not complaining about the quality of the articles — I'm just not the kind of person to

I am the only Journeyman fan
I think I must be the only person who feels an absence of Journeyman coverage is a bad thing. I keep hearing people say, "But it's just a knock-off of Quantum Leap!" That may be true (opinions differ), but I loved Quantum Leap, too.