
There was no conversation in that ep that felt like two people talking to each other. They were all just Saying Things.

This whole season was marred by the fact that the show's time in the zeitgeist has passed. If they had accepted it head-on, they could have done something interesting. I thought they were headed that way in the first few episodes — how do you investigate an X-File in the age of smartphone cameras? (LOVED Mulder

But because that stuff is seen as not as bad as the REAL conspiracy, aliens/government/CSM/whatever the hell it is now. This is a part of the problem of this season: O'Malley is presented both as a nut and he's also right.

Oh god, this was so painful. What I don't know about science is a lot, but the 'science' in this ep was so terrible, even I noticed:

It's such a shame to waste such good lead actors/characters on the mythology stuff.

Even in the original run I remember thinking that the smallpox vaccine thing was a stretch since it wouldn't affect anyone younger than Boomers.

When you someone eat it. The origin still makes me laugh.

I enjoyed Fat Lee almost, but not quite, as much as Mustachioed Bill.

Agreed, and his unswerving loyalty to Adama is another aspect of his character that made him appealing. He had the good sense to latch on to a man who brought out the best in him.

I think it'd be pretty hard in real life to find a hospital willing to allow a woman to have a VBAC (vaginal delivery after c-section) for a FOURTEEN pound baby. Some won't even do it for non-Terry-sized babies.

I'm a mother who ASPIRES to be Lois. I'm way too Hal-ish for my kids' good.

Painted my living room this weekend, there are already brown fingerprints on the wall that no one (boys ages 6, 7, and 37) will claim.

Lois takes a dance class and she thinks she's great, till she sees a video of herself and realizes she's awful. Hal sees the tape and he's utterly charmed by her dancing — sees no flaws at all. Lovely.

It really was Lois's fault though. She did wear the jeans with the rip in the knee.

I think that's pretty much a good description of New England in general. We tend to find "friendliness" threatening and creepy.

Unfortunately, it's an overused trope in the source material.

Or, the talent behind the show adapts it well for TV, improving on the original source material — which is my opinion of the first season.

You're both right. The Hearst stuff was glorious. The theater troupe was abysmal. Still worth it.

Free fuckin' gratis.

I'm four episodes in and mostly find the young campers' parts dragging, but that line was great.