
They should just call it "Resentful Grownups vs. Carefree Young Adults". That's basically the life course of every single generation.

I've discovered that I, being a stupid person, don't understand half of Survivor without a review and a comments section to read. I am so bad at strategy that I need all this stuff explained to me by you lot. This was the one TV recap shutdown here that really upset me. (And confused me….there seemed like a lot of

If she were a guy, I feel like people would come down on her hard for "mansplaining" or micro-aggression or whatever. It was a clear case of "my feelings are more important than yours".

Same goes for people born in the late 70s. I don't really feel like Gen X but the Millennials seem so young. I guess that if you have the need to categorize generations like this, there's always a sweet spot in the middle that fits the characteristics ascribed to the group, and then there's those that are slightly too

I was in high school and college when Homicide was on. Crosetti seemed solidly middle-aged to me. Maybe even a grandpa-aged guy.

Gomez's meltdown at the police station is fantastic.

We're on the dog's milk now.

I logged in just to quote that line but you beat me too it. His delivery of "peppy" and "cheap" is amazing.

Thanks for the reviews Kayla. I've been reading them every week even though I don't comment. I guess that makes me part of the problem, but honestly, with a few exceptions, the comments on these articles have gotten right under my skin. As a book reader, I knew that it would be hard to find any corner of the internet

I don't understand the need people have to see every role in everything filled with the same old actors they already know.

This is nonsense. Battlestar Galactica was packed with strong female characters. Starbuck, Roslin, in fact most of Cylons were female. That show had more notable female characters than male ones.

One of the appealing parts of the series is it's ability to shy away from good guys/bad guys and happy endings. Jamie and Claire are perfect together, but their relationship hurts other people. Black Jack is a monster but he loves his brother. Geillis is a murderer, but she save Claire's life and Claire feels obliged

It's a thankless role. She has to play angry and petulant. I thought the actress did fine, considering. Book Brianna is annoying as hell.

"Settle down, 50 Cent, or I'll mount you again" is gold.

They need an Al Swearingen to remind them.

Museums do NOT like this sort of publicity. It can be horribly damaging to institutions that rely on grants and public funding (see Enola Gay controversy).

You pompous, stuck-up, snot-nosed, English, giant, twerp, scumbag, fuckface, dickhead, ASSHOLE.

I'm too invested in the books/show to quit, but that was brutal to sit through. It was one of those moments where you question whether this is actually "entertainment" anymore.

What spoiled the conspiracy was lack of payoff after 5+ seasons. I remember being totally into it. Those were the eps you waited for, adding another piece to the puzzle. It just never went anywhere, and after 9 YEARS, people were tired of it.

Someone had to.