
Pete Campbell as Mr. Darcy is…..I actually can't describe what it is, because my brain just can't reconcile it. Does not compute.
I loathed Connor, but that shouldn't keep anyone from Mad Men; Kartheiser was one of the best things in it, and that's high praise.

Bridgeport, CT

Is there a carbon monoxide leak in here?

EW printed an episode guide to the X-Files probably sometime in '97 that I used like a Bible when the show starting running in syndication on — I think it was FX? — and I was able to catch up on it from the beginning. On VHS tapes that I set my VCR at home to record while I was in college, and would have my mom change

We taped the pilot and watched it over and over again. To this day there are some '60s songs that I can't hear without hearing the Rags-To-Riches version in my head. (Like "Please Mr Postman")

I am a poet! And did not know it!

There was some movie-of-the-week in which Ricky Schroeder played a kid who lied about his age to get into the Navy, I think WWII-era-ish — and he gets raped by a bunch of sailors. I think. I saw this when I was about 8. I have never gotten over it.

My sister and I almost wore out a VHS tape of a Muppet special called "Hey Cinderella". I have yet to meet anyone in real life who's ever even heard of it. I checked online a few years ago and it's not available anywhere. I remember it as being hilarious.

Totally agree. It looks like the series should make it to Book 3 unless there is a serious downturn in quality next season. Which is great. End it with the scene in the Edinburgh print shop — great series finale. Unless Ron Moore starts to get really creative with the larger plot.

More like Oz.

It played out exactly the way it does in the books (no Producer contrivance).

Your comment kind of ventures into the territory that gay people can never be bad guys, because it makes all gay people look bad.

You know, there is something off about sitting here trying to parse why type of rape is worse. You seem to have a need to categorize sexual violence in a way that leads to a "C'mon, ladies, it isn't really all that bad, is it?". I've never been assaulted but I'm not going to sit here and parcel out authenticity points

It went in this direction because it's based on a book written more than 20 years ago that did this exact thing. Unlike the Sansa thing, this is the major plot development of the source material, and has repercussions throughout the book series. I mean, you have every right to hate the storyline. But it was created in

Sure, I just preferred the way the show did it.

I find it funny that she also upvoted Alien Jesus's post.

I dunno, I think that would have been a little too……corny is the best word I can think of. There are a lot of bits in the book that would just be overripe on screen. For instance, I thought they did a great job of toning down the "lavender" scene from the book, which had a little too much of the "Claire impersonates

Random thoughts:

I feel superstitious dread even upvoting this comment.

What's so gross to me is that the parents, knowing that they had this skeleton in their closet, chose to go on TV and make their children famous.
They had as much of a duty to protect Josh as his sisters, and failed all of them. Instead of getting him the help he needed, they put him on TV, knowing that if this ever