
He barely had a face.

Look, that's no basis for a system of government.

I'm drinking a Diet Coke right now. Some of the of the anti-Coke righteousness in the wake of the finale has been a little annoying. Ye who have never had a soda, cast the first stone.

I wonder if actual mothers tend to have a higher opinion of Betty than non-mothers. I'm a mother and I really relate to her, even in some of her worst mothering moments (though not when she shoved food in Sally's mouth at Henry' mom's Thanksgiving. That was awful). But getting pissed when your kid gives away your

Outlander fandom has kept me from either admitting I like the books, or recommending them to other people. The book series has some amazing elements, but also a lot of terrible ones. For example,

Yeah, I appreciated Caillou when my kids were smaller because it at least covered realistic topics, like being scared of the dark. Whereas Mickey Mouse Clubhouse taught them how to solve important problems like having to fly up to a giant's farm in the clouds, or how to go to Mars using a Mickey-shaped rocket.

A grandparent told my son that Caillou is bald because he whines so much. It definitely cuts down on the whining in my house.

My kids LOVE GEICO ads. All of them. They can quote them. It's weird.

That….sounds amazing.

The woman is always a virgin. The man is never a virgin.

I'd like to know what the maternal mortality rate is for that Kenyan tribe. I'm not a medical historian, but that sort of experience is the exception, not the norm.

Yeah, I seem to remember it being geographically strategic. Also the McKenzies are rivals of the Frasers, which is why Jamie's parents marriage was a scandal, and there's a bit of sticking it to the Fraser clan involved here too.

Considering the reviews and the comments, I'm starting to think I'm the only one who thought this episode was terrible. Or, to be precise, the middle third was terrible. The stuff with Jenny at the start and Dougal at the end was good. And the idea of Murtagh and Claire doing a the traveling show was fine, but they

Go! Go into the ham! Take the carving knife and stab me, right here! [sobs] It would hurt me less than what you just said!

This is the show that I DVR for my kids but sometimes watch on my own, secretly.

Grades aren't based on comparing the show to other shows, but to itself. I think C+ is a very fair assessment of this episode. There was something off about the pacing and I found the MacQuarrie character all over the place.

It is nothing like Downton Abbey. I don't understand the comparison at all.

Remember that episode where a stranger comes to Walnut Grove, and is different from everyone else and at first the townspeople are shitty about it, and then the Ingalls stand up for the person and the town learns a lesson about love and tolerance?

It was such a perfectly 1970s show, despite the 1870s setting.

It's wrong to laugh.