
My kids at 5 and 7 routinely refer to the Man as "George's Dad". I'm just saying, they don't think it's odd that a monkey is basically subbing in for a kid. Kids are dumb.

And she won't take her clothes off for anybody, even if it is "artistic".

I went to the USHM several times when I lived in DC. It was indeed a painful experience.

As so few things do.

Upvoted for the Peteism at the end.

Hell's Bells, what a donnybrook.

Anytime a character actually utters the words, "I'm from the future," that's pretty cheesy. I can't define the word. Maybe "melodramatic" is the next best thing.

I always liked BookJenny, but ShowJenny was fantastic. They nailed the casting (again).

Sums up my feelings perfectly.

It wasn't uncommon for freed slaves to continue working for their former owners, but as paid employees.

My mids love Peppa and one of them has developed a tremendous, earth-shaking, Daddy Pig - caliber SNORT. It's pretty impressive.

The Wonder Pets theme song is a hideous ear worm that will stay with you for days. My kids haven't watched it in two years and my brain still sometimes regurgitates that song at random times.


George Washington had the Continental Army immunized against smallpox in the Revolutionary War.

It's also not just a moody teenager, it's a woman of marriageable age in a time when marriage was essential to a woman's livelihood, for whom Jamie would have been a fantastic catch. She lost her crush AND her meal ticket AND an elevated social status as well.

Loved that. I think I recall it from the books, but in the show you get to see Geillis' reaction that Claire doesn't notice.

Also, inoculation for smallpox was known in some quarters in Europe and North America at least by the 1740s. Boston used it against an epidemic in the 1720s. But again, Jamie's in the Highlands and he's no doctor.

You're overthinking this.

I also get the sense this show and comment thread may attract people who are new-ish to commenting. Which is fine. But yes, anything beyond what's happened in the latest episode needs to be clearly marked.