
I assume they aren't being sold here because our airlines won't let the refurbished models on.

It's not TV, it's really expensive mediocre TV.

Shelves were stocked about on par with my local Target.

ESPN is going to air NFL propaganda films? What a surprise!

Nah, just take their oranges, step on them, and tell them that oranges are flat too.

She's not an accountant.

Other than being a woman, there are no similarities between this fictional president and Hilary Clinton.

They need to kill off all the characters in a big explosion at the end of season 2.

"If he doesn't surface within the next thirty seconds, he's definitely dead. No one could hold their breath that long."

Robert Durst.

Don't forget hugs.

All three LOTR movies were nominated, and one won.

So, that FBI agent was basically the worst investigator in the universe. Not sure they needed to kill him, he would never have found anything out anyways.

John Cheever's been waiting 34 years for this.

The producer should have been more self aware about his own career.

"It’s tough to pinpoint when Ricky Gervais went from brilliant comedic auteur to “him again?” status"

Verizon must really be kicking these other companies asses pretty badly. Sprint's entire ad campaign is based on being almost as good (although now they pretty much just have a white guy with glasses as their spokesman, really should have hired that guy for one spot).

You were my favorite Nets point guard!

Finally, a rags to riches story to warm the nation's hearts!