
Jedi: Live!

Star Wars VIII: Dark of the Forest Moon

The lionization of celebrity and celebrity opinion in general got us to where we are. This "doing something well" concept is a distinction without a difference. Johansson is not a brilliant speaker who has long championed women's rights issues. The weight of her words are no greater than anyone else's in the crowd,

This should be a forum for those with actual aspirations to speak out. This is why your candidates are a former First Lady, a 74 year old guy nobody had heard of before 2015, and some other governor or something that no one has ever heard of. It's why Donald Trump can become president nearly on name recognition alone.

I agree. This celebrity bullshit got us where we are.

“We want to assure our fans that Lucasfilm has no plans to digitally recreate Carrie Fisher’s performance as Princess or General Leia Organa.”

We all know that the answer is Darth Leia. Search your feelings. You know it to be true.

Nah, she'll just run around the whole time looking for someone to help her have a baby.

Can't they just use Natalie Portman?

Don't you hate pants?

Most schools support their athletic departments, not the other way around.

It's pretty obvious that this should be called "Mean Girls 2: Regression to the Mean"

About as much as the Snowden movie, probably.

I know nothing about this film, but those pictures make it look like the worst piece of crap ever made.

To be fair, he's basically saying the same thing about his hits that every other musician does.

Larry David needs to be on this every season. It's a scientific fact.


What door?

The horn signified some sort of break or the end of the work day. Daniel went to make a phone call afterwards.

He already has Men in Black.