
Why a cape? Who wears a cape? Where do you even get a cape?

The giant having no weapons or armor is still nonsense.

As I said at the time, it's as good as the first season of The Killing. Took a while for everyone to see through the expensive facade.

The Night Of was the epitome of HBO's new strategy of going all out on big names and production value on weak writing. It wouldn't have even been a standout episode of L&O.

I want the Ted Danson plane!

Didn't those two actresses leave about a half a dozen seasons apart?

I ripped some music at 64 kbps for my 32 MB RCA kazoo 15 years ago.

If he focused on the Maeve storyline, he's right. 100% right.That was stupidly bad. I enjoyed the rest for the most part.

Thankfully, no one else worked there. Two dudes, neither of whom had any family or friends created the entire park themselves!

They wouldn't have a stockpile of unused hosts. That would also be a huge waste of money. They would likely have a handful of backups they can send out there if that host is integral while a new one is being made, but that would be temporary.

It's not cheap and fast to clone humans.

The replacing of hosts with different ones for the same roles makes no sense at all.

Yes, we are to believe that no one ever notices anything anywhere in the park or in the building, except Ford…who notices everything but does nothing (except kill brunette women).

The writing on this show is mediocre at best. HBO has replaced good storytelling with flashy production and big Na!e actors in basically all of its new shows.

"In pictures of the band, the chanteuse’s face is coquettishly hidden behind a Sia-esque wall of hair."

Yeah, white people never watch TV.

Ah, but you have seen a male sex robot, Bernard!

A lot of people can't taste anything, so they drown food in tabasco. Not a very big bottle.

It's hard to find good people who have nothing to do but run a hopeless presidential campaign every few years.

Maybe it was just me, but I certainly felt that they were foreshadowing repercussions for Molly from her unwillingness to do what was asked.